Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I would wager that, yes, he is gay but he has never been an asshole. Aggressively nice if anything. Excessively jaunty. A little too pushy with the inane smalltalk while checking through the items for my taste.

Like, ease off a bit there champ. I'm fine, you're fine, the weather is fine - nuff said. Let's take care of business, shall we?

He prolly just wants me.

People wanting me as I go through life ---> it's the cross I bear.
how about darling? do you like being called darling?

Not by checkout people. The issue is checkout people.

Jenny calls me any number of things. Some sincere, some ironic. I think I get the odd dear and darling from her mixed in with the more common pet names such as idiot, stupid-head etc.

From her, the dears and darlings would have an edge of sarcasm but in any case, that's okay.

But checkout people need to keep it in their pants.
daamn, I'd almost have to see this line up if it came here.
