Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Has this ever happened to anyone? It happens to me once in a while and it drives me nuts.

I'm the first person at my poker table to grab a seat at the start of a tourney. I like to sit in seat 5 or 6 so I grab a chair. I'm the only one at the table and people start approaching the table.

Within minutes the table is full and there is a guy to my left and one to my right. I'm taller than both guys and just bigger in general.

Ten seconds after they sit down they both have their fucking legs spread way apart and my knees are practically touching each other. What the fuck?

Is this something that only happens in America? People have no fucking class sometimes.

So I'm like, fuck this. I start kneeing both of these guys and reclaiming my space. It got totally awkward because they start looking at me like I'm out of line. :cono:

Shit drives me nuts. Anyway, both of these clowns busted out of the tourney after about 25 minutes of this jostling around and I had all my space back.

Daft, if one of the "leg spreaders" knocks you out of the tourney find his car out in the lot and give him a ticket.

You could also charge him with battery.

That'll show the fucker.
Has this ever happened to anyone? It happens to me once in a while and it drives me nuts.

I'm the first person at my poker table to grab a seat at the start of a tourney. I like to sit in seat 5 or 6 so I grab a chair. I'm the only one at the table and people start approaching the table.

Within minutes the table is full and there is a guy to my left and one to my right. I'm taller than both guys and just bigger in general.

Ten seconds after they sit down they both have their fucking legs spread way apart and my knees are practically touching each other. What the fuck?

Is this something that only happens in America? People have no fucking class sometimes.

So I'm like, fuck this. I start kneeing both of these guys and reclaiming my space. It got totally awkward because they start looking at me like I'm out of line. :cono:

Shit drives me nuts. Anyway, both of these clowns busted out of the tourney after about 25 minutes of this jostling around and I had all my space back.

I HATE being jostled. Where it bugs me the most is at this salad bar place I go to on a somewhat regular basis. When people come up behind me in line and bang their tray into the back of my tray on the metal rails where you slide the trays towards the cash register. It is almost always a old, fat, doughy, cow eyed midwestern looking woman who when I turn around to give the evil eye to, looks either completely vacant or so enraptured with the ranch dressing coming up, is oblivious to everything else.
I am an involuntary leg spreader. I try to remember not to do it though and I have found a loophole when riding the streetcar in Toronto - there are two seats at the back of the car, one on each side, that has extra knee room on one side. I go for those seats if available otherwise I stand up.

Most public seating arrangements were designed for very small/compact persons.

I am trying.
I HATE being jostled. Where it bugs me the most is at this salad bar place I go to on a somewhat regular basis. When people come up behind me in line and bang their tray into the back of my tray on the metal rails where you slide the trays towards the cash register. It is almost always a old, fat, doughy, cow eyed midwestern looking woman who when I turn around to give the evil eye to, looks either completely vacant or so enraptured with the ranch dressing coming up, is oblivious to everything else.

I would expect your salad dressing of choice to be oil and vinegar, for obvious reasons.
Daft, if one of the "leg spreaders" knocks you out of the tourney find his car out in the lot and give him a ticket.

You could also charge him with battery.

That'll show the fucker.


I was doing some aggressive leg spreading on Friday. I was in a waiting room and some wanker comes and sits right next to me. There were 10 seats available where he wouldn't have been right beside someone but he sits in the chair next to mine.

I did some leg spreading and I did some ankle-on-knee leg-cross and angled it in his direction. I know those are harsh measures but I was irked.
Mudcat, I am a miserable fuk like you, I hate it when someone sits next to me when there is plenty of room elsewhere.

My biggest pet peeve is at the movie theatre when I'm sitting in a row all by myself and there are less than 12 people in the theatre, inevitably once the trailers finish and the feature starts some clown always comes in and sits in the seat directly in front of me or exactly behind me, kicking my seat as they settle in.

With my temper I'm fortunate I'm not locked up already.
I hate it when your playing a slot machine and it's like a bank of six. Then these goobers come up, the kind that like to try every machine. They keep edging ever closer,putting in their card pulling it out, until they're right up on your neck. And you can't leave your machine because you know that this motherfucker is so itching to try that one too. :mad:
Robot you have pretty eyes, I don't think your eyes are evil

Other than that you're assassin machine

Maybe that's the problem right there. I think I'm giving people the evil eye, and all they can do is get lost in the sea of beauty that are my eyeballs.

It's just so hard to be me. If only I had less attractive eyes. *sigh*

I am a cursed robot.
Here's something I don't like:

When James Lipton is interviewing guests at The Actors Studio and he treats them like trained monkeys.

Like he had Mike Myers on. So Lipton asks if he can speak to Shrek, so Mike Myers has to do the accent and try to be funny for a few ghey questions about if ogres go to school and shit. hahaha. :rolleyes: Then Lipton wants to speak to Austin Powers. Then Dr. Evil, then Fat Bastard.

At one point, he says, "Mike I understand you took dance lessons as a youngster," and he starts urging him to demonstrate and so Myers, who wouldn't want to be seen as a bad sport, eventually gets up and does a bit of beginners tap dance (in running shoes).

Same kinda deal when he had the voice actors from The Simpsons and Family Guy. They have to be trained monkeys. Like okay, have them demonstrate the voices they do but this bit with wanting to interview the characters - ugh.

I heard that's why Julie Kavner never does interviews with the Simpsons crew. She hates that shit as much as I do.

Don't know why it bothers me so much but it makes me really uncomfortable.