Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Do I look like a Jew?


In this particular picture, yes.

In person you did not look Jewish to me.
Do you all be doing smilies in your mind off the computer? Lately I've been doing a lot of the Potato smiley on people, for example that happy new year comment I would have imagined the smiley on top of their head. The dance and dancer smilies are also very popular.

This forum is definitely in my head in a way that transfers to real life.

One thing I do in real life all the time - it's more of a saying than a smiley: "Bread is such simpleton guy."

I just started noticing this weekend how much I do it.

Like a friend sez, "When are we going to shoot some pool?"

"Bread is such simpleton guy."

Or my gf sez, "Can you take me shopping on Monday?"

"Bread is such simpleton guy."

I find it facilitates the flow of every conversation.

Also, when I am flashing my kawk at people going to church, I sometimes think of this smiley:

Strange that 1st degree vs 2nd or 3rd can have such different meanings.

For example, 1st degree murder is more serious than 2nd degree but a 2nd degree burn is more serious than a 1st degree burn.

Also, the criminal offense of assault in Canada is also known as "battery" in many US states which makes me think that a person charged with battery would be full of energy, that should not be a crime.

I wonder what the charge would be for smacking someone upside the head with a battery?

Maybe Daft can lend his expertise.

Jigsaw: Is it true you once worked for 96 hours straight?
Apu: Oh, yes. It was horrible. Near the end, I thought I was a hummingbird of some kind.
Jigsaw: You're a legend. Pavy is such simpleton guy. How much for the expired milk?
Apu: 12 dollars sir.
Jigsaw: Here you go.
Apu: Thank you, come again.
Has this ever happened to anyone? It happens to me once in a while and it drives me nuts.

I'm the first person at my poker table to grab a seat at the start of a tourney. I like to sit in seat 5 or 6 so I grab a chair. I'm the only one at the table and people start approaching the table.

Within minutes the table is full and there is a guy to my left and one to my right. I'm taller than both guys and just bigger in general.

Ten seconds after they sit down they both have their fucking legs spread way apart and my knees are practically touching each other. What the fuck?

Is this something that only happens in America? People have no fucking class sometimes.

So I'm like, fuck this. I start kneeing both of these guys and reclaiming my space. It got totally awkward because they start looking at me like I'm out of line. :cono:

Shit drives me nuts. Anyway, both of these clowns busted out of the tourney after about 25 minutes of this jostling around and I had all my space back.