Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I had a couple of bacon and egg sammiches on Monday. I halfed them side-to-side without thinking. That proved to be my default halfing configuration. It felt somehow wrong but I couldn't stop myself.

I ate the sammiches cackling under my breath the whole time.

Many Olympic athletes are misshapen. I guess they just work out too much. They are very fit - obviously - but overboard to the point where they are misshapen. Speed skaters are like that with tiny little heads and gigantic lower bodies. They had a commercial which ran nationally which had one of our bobsledders scantily clad. She looked heinous. Tank-like. Big difference between uber-fit and sexy.

She just won a gold medal so I am a big fan but if she ever posed for Playboy, I would run at top speed in the opposite direction.

Something about figure skaters though. They train very hard, no question, but I guess the extreme exercise they get is somehow different from other Olympic pursuits and gives them perfectly formed feminine legs and butts.

Except Tonya Harding.
Agreed on the rippage being unattractive which is unfortunate, they work there asses off to get that way and compete but man, just need that female form not to see triceps that look like they could throw me across the room.

Very accurate thoughts on tookuses as well. I add volleyball players to that - indoor usually B+'s at least beach you get a lot of A's and even A+'s.

Very nice picture of Harding there. True legend. I just wish I could have held her and consoled her that night I bet she might have put out.
I am not on board with the volleyball ass thing. Over the years, I have seen many posts of volleyball asses where the attitude is obviously, "OMG look at this ass."

90% of the time my reaction is, "No. Just because they are wearing something skimpy doesn't automatically make the ass great. It's an okay ass compared to the average ass walking down the street but no."

IMO not in the same league as figure skater ass.