Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

ive heard this twice now in the last few months....

fatass broad at the gym, NOT breaking a sweat "my boobs are way to big and hurt my back, i need to get a reduction" ... :facepalm: you weigh 300lbs you fucking disgusting slob..how about you start taking your exercising a little more seriously and stop eating every piece of fucking cake that is put in front of you ...then maybe, just maybe, you will lose some weight in those fucking hangers... unreal

rant over..

RR come ON man she is at the fuckin gym TRYING to do the right thing. She probably wanted you to over hear that because she thought you were handsome and she wanted you to be impressed with her fat result tits. COME ON RR be ENCOURAGING brother no one is saying you have to fuck her but encourage her to keep coming back. Maybe even glance at her tits and give her a slight approving nod.

Come on RR be the sacrificial lamb for once.
RR come ON man she is at the fuckin gym TRYING to do the right thing. She probably wanted you to over hear that because she thought you were handsome and she wanted you to be impressed with her fat result tits. COME ON RR be ENCOURAGING brother no one is saying you have to fuck her but encourage her to keep coming back. Maybe even glance at her tits and give her a slight approving nod.

Come on RR be the sacrificial lamb for once.

Oh yeah, Ray be handsome alright.


she wears more makeup that ronald fucking mcdonald and showers in knock off walmart perfume...im saying something to her the next time she sprays shit on before walking in the gym...

in other news, my date tonight almost had to put a hurting on big herb dean... :catfight:
ive heard this twice now in the last few months....

fatass broad at the gym, NOT breaking a sweat "my boobs are way to big and hurt my back, i need to get a reduction" ... :facepalm: you weigh 300lbs you fucking disgusting slob..how about you start taking your exercising a little more seriously and stop eating every piece of fucking cake that is put in front of you ...then maybe, just maybe, you will lose some weight in those fucking hangers... unreal

rant over..

you don't wear headphones at the gym?
you don't wear headphones at the gym?

yeah man, but we only have 3 of the stairmasters that i like and they are all together...the ladies were on the other 2 and i had one earbud out for some reason... i dont know if it would have mattered though... they were talking over the gym music and one another anyways... :ouch: