Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I'm pissed cause I can't find the homemade eggnog recipe that I use couple weeks ago! Googled it and never saved it! Sorry if too much power posting but practicing for "chatzey" down the road! The New People of GL seem to like it and use it more than the old crew

We used to. It's been completely dead for a few weeks....the only time we really had a good crowd was the beginning of football season.

We could use some Monkey in there.
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One thing that surprises me about Urban Dictionary is how nice all the entries are if you look up your name. We did this at work the other day and every single one was 100% complimentary. I would have expected a bit more attitude from UD but mostly they are an outright ass-kiss every time.

This is what it has for my name:

Steve (short for Steven/Stephen) is a name associated with power and awesomeness.
An Australian male with the name Steve should be praised constantly.
Historians have noted that the name derives from a line of kings, sports stars and top blokes.
It has been noted that philosophers in the mould of Nostradamus and Albert Einstein have stated that the name Steve should be put away because it would be difficult for any young male to have such a burden placed on their shoulders.
However this theory was rebuked by the AOS (Association of Steve's) who correctly suggested that once a child is named Steve they can automatically take upon such a mantle, as with the name they are the recipient of much greatness, authority and laid-backednesss.
Parents who embed their children with this hallowed name shall receive an all round champ of a son for their knowledgeable choice.

My name is Steve
All hail Steve, the almighty
From Urban Dictionary:

tummy sticks

Tummy sticks is the situation, commonly referred to as a game, in which two erect men cuddle closely and face-to-face causing their two erect penises, or sticks, to push upwards between their stomachs, or tummys. Sticks combine with tummys, hence the name "tummy sticks."

Chris: Hey Grant, wanna play tummy sticks?
Grant: Let's do that! Let's do exactly that!

I believe I heard it in a movie some years ago and it quietly lay in wait in the recesses of my brain before suddenly, out of the blue - randomly, one might say - it emerged a few days ago and led me to think now what the fuck is that exactly? -----> the search.

Wedding Crashers, might have been???