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Zero Dark Thirty - Pretty captivating movie. Does it attempt to justify the use of torture? To some extent. It is such a tricky situation. What's horrible about these movies is that the other side is never told. Yes, it's great that they were able to capture and kill the mastermind behind so many innocent deaths. And it's pretty crazy how they were able to piece it all together to find him. I certainly have no sympathy for Osama bin Laden. However, many of their grievances against the West are justified. They just chose the absolute worst way to find revenge. I just kept thinking about what those children in the house would grow up to be. Violence begets violence. I don't think his death really fixes anything in the end. 8 F0cks for the compelling nature of the story. 0 F0cks for the propaganda in it.
watched a new show last night called Cracked... about a cop with a slight mental issue and a shrink thats hired to basically shadow him and help him through certain situations on the job...it was pretty interesting, but in the end, just another cop/detective show...

raylan givens and justified season premier didnt disappoint...death in paradise season premier also decent
Justified is a show I have watched on DVD when my buddy brings it to me. I believe I have only seen 2 seasons. I see it in my listings all the time but like quite a few shows, I don't know where they are and don't want to just jump in at some random point so I leave it alone.

I'll have to tap buddy on the shoulder and ask if he has season 3. Pretty good show.
Zero Dark Thirty - Pretty captivating movie. Does it attempt to justify the use of torture? To some extent.

Yeah. I don't know that it tried to justify it. I think it did a good job of presenting it as objectively as possible. (Obviously, the point of view is going to be that of the Americans. I'm not sure how you'd approach Al-Qaeda members about a movie project.) The value in killing Bin Laden seems symbolic more than anything, so the use of waterboarding and other extreme "interrogation tactics" to get to him appear controversial at best.

Fun and disturbing flick.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Pretty much what you'd expect if you've seen the Lord of the Rings series from Peter Jackson. Excellent cinematography and CGI. This is the first part of a three part series. It was slightly over two hours and thirty minutes but I was content to keep watching when it ended due in part to the fact that the ending isn't really an ending. I suppose it was a bit of a disappointment to me since I wasn't expecting that. I haven't read the book since before my teens. I don't really know how to judge it against other movies because of this. It seems like the series should have been released together, but of course, Hollywood would never do that. I don't think I'll watch the second until the third movie comes out. Unknown F0cks.