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Movies and TV

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What do you guys do during the weekends, throw rocks at each other?

I keed.

Actually it makes sense that Life of Pi would be hard to find, they haven't made a 2D version. It's 3D only. I like 3D but now that I think of it it's probably impractical for small independent cinemas.
Things like this Matty

:nopewedontgetboredatall: You can find us at the bar next door a few nights a week.

Tully if you're referring to Punxy that town is boring as heck to me been there many times. Good diner on the way in, about it.

Back to the topic at hand, I will say that I appreciate PTI. Kornheiser and Wilbon have been at it for a long time now and no matter what they're kicking around they always seem to keep it interesting. If it's a topic you're interested in it's good to here their spin on it.
I've been reading a lot about the brain's ability to multitask lately. I think one of the reasons that I haven't been too enthralled with any movies that I watch lately is that I'm always doing a few other things at the same time. Maybe I should just actually sit down and watch a movie. Who has the time for that?
Reminds me very much of my ex. She would never watch a movie without something doing. Needlecrafts or homework or whatever. And then she would get up to go to the bathroom and I would automatically pause it - because that's what I would want for myself in the face of any minor disruption in the space-time continuum - but she didn't give a crap if I paused.

Now mind you she was the one I went to Les Miz with and she was completely absorbed in that and giving the Kleenex a workout. But that was the exception to the rule.
Zero Dark Thirty - If you liked The Hurt Locker, you're going to enjoy this too. Same director, same style. It's barely cinema and it's not really a documentary, but whatever it is is interesting and entertaining.

There's conspiracy theories about the info that the CIA fed to the movie people. Give me a fucking break. Cinema is about telling a story, any story. I don't give a fuck how authentic the real-life facts are.

It's a fucking movie and it's a decent one. Fok off.

8 Matty Rains
seems to be the consensus, mathieu... watch it as a movie and dont think about the other shit that was fed to people... i liked it, it lacked a little something for me, maybe near the end...and they threw some big names in the mix that were barely even part of the movie, but nonetheless , good flick. :yes:
Do you go out to the movies?

Thinking about my ex, we have been out to many movies and she is completely focused and able, after the fact, to discuss what we have seen in as insightful a way as anyone. I won't say she always enjoys it - because of course some movies end up being crap - but she enjoys the general going-to-the-movies concept.

At home though, I can't imagine her just sitting and watching.