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So I guess Gandolfini was supposed to be the lawyer and have the disgusting feet. That would have worked too.

I looked up the actor that plays Detective Box because I was all like, "I think I must know him from somewhere." He has actually been in 8 thousand things I have seen. No but he has been a mainstay of big Oscar films recently. Birdman, 12 Years a Slave, Lincoln. He was in Lawless and Public Enemies and Boardwalk Empire. Quite a bit of good stuff. But it's not like, "Oh yeah, right, right, right." No, I swear I can't place his character from a single one right now.


Here's what I do know: I don't want to go to prison.
Regarding The Night Of,

I'm not sure what the name of the game is. A lot of people seem to be taking it like a who-dunnit and guessing at perps. I don't know if that is the sort of thing we are dealing with. Yes, there was that second black guy. Seems like something is going on there. They made a point of dwelling on his face when there was that little confrontation on the street as Naz was escorting chicky-poo up to her apartment.

And then later first black guy denied there was a second guy.

You wouldn't normally have something like that with no reason - although I harken back to the first True Detective where it was a bit of a priority to create red herrings.

But I don't know.

Maybe John Turturro will get Naz off - and it will turn out he really did it.

Wouldn't that be a fine how-do-you-do?
Oooh, let me rewatch that.

BTW I found out today that The Night Of is a remake of a British series called Criminal Justice. I skimmed the first episode and the plot is nearly identical. British show has crappy production values and a white guy instead of a brown-brown.
I think we'll find out that the second black guy did it, but the show is more about observing the kafkaesque US legal/prison system.

I don't know about that. That would make more sense if the guy was clearly innocent and being railroaded. Of course from our perspective it seems impossible he is guilty - but in terms of the evidence the cops are dealing with, his treatment is pretty okay.

Jail definitely sucks and everything but I'm not seeing anything that makes me scream injustice.

On a side note - semi-related - one scene that made me LOL was when Detective Box is trying to manipulate hearts and minds and he makes a big production of saying to the desk Sargent, "Why aren't you letting the parents see him? What harm is there in that?"

And the world-weary desk guy just kinda shrugs and says, "Do you want me to argue or will we just leave it there?"
A random movies thought:

I feel that Tom Cruise may be a bit underrated for his acting. Well maybe not: I think he has like 3 Oscar nominations - so he has not been abjectly ignored - but I am currently giving Rain Man a rewatch. Somewhere around the halfway point, there hasn't been a single scene where I doubted Cruise's performance. Dustin Hoffman - who won an Oscar for it - there have been a number of scenes where I have been quite aware of watching an actor acting rather than being absorbed in the narrative.

Cruise though - nope.

I guess my other random thought might then be - that was not a very deserving Oscar for Hoffman. I don't have a problem with him having an Oscar - he has had many excellent performances - but that one? Without actually going back to check who the other nominees were, I am reticent.

I wonder how realistic Rain Man is, with the autistic guy who is totally freaked out by touching, meeting a guy and within a week he's dancing with him - plus the girl - and he's purposely touching their heads together.

Not saying it's not realistic - although that's my first instinct - but I don't know.

I also find Tom Cruise's character impossibly clueless. Like he just never stops being surprised that Raymond does what he does no matter how many times he does it. Like he doesn't get that Raymond doesn't know how to graciously accept an apology.

Dude, you've been with him non-stop for days. Of course he doesn't know about apologies and graciously accepting them.

It's a nice enough yarn though. 7.6 out of 10.
Spielberg has done a couple things I consider great (you can probably guess), and a few more I find good - but his (what I would call) people-pleasing stuff . . . it's not that there isn't much worse stuff out there, but it's not my bag.

But I don't see any harm in checking out episode 1 of Stranger Things. D/Ling as we speak.