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Gervais said he regretted that, despite assurances from GG organizers that he has a free hand, there are certain things you just can't say. The example he gave was he wishes he could open with a joke but he knows it's impossible. This is the joke:

"What do a female elephant and the Golden Globes have in common?"

The punch line as he points at himself with his thumbs is, "They both have a giant bleep."

He got bleeped where I saw him saying this.

Pretty sure the word was cunt.
It got better for me. The first couple seasons, I was usually near the fence whether I would keep watching or not, but since then it moved into a more secure spot on the roster.

It's not a great show and it's full of eyeroll shit but it also has strong moments and comes out on balance as: okay by me.

I haven't watched the new season premier yet.
I had some problems with the Golden Globes - no surprise there - but without dwelling on matters of taste and opinion, here's a thing:

The Martian and Joy aren't comedies.

They aren't comedies.

They simply aren't comedies.

The fuck are you doing? Those aren't comedies.
Anyway YOUTH (2015) - on my post viewing investigations I have discovered this is quite a polarizing movie. I guess that's predictable. Arthouse type deal, built on moods and off-beat details. It's the kind of thing I would often find myself on the negative side of but this one happened to work for me bigtime.

The cast was great. I found it to be completely absorbing and moving. One memorable scene after another. Kind of a masterpiece actually. I have movies that I rate higher but I wouldn't think to call masterpieces - but this has some specific characteristics that bring that word to mind.

Ehh, that's probably going too far and probably doesn't make sense anyway. Whatever.

Oh and as far as award season, Jane Fonda was nominated for a Supporting Actress GG. That was completely ridiculous and stupid. Michael Caine, I could definitely see. Best performance I have ever seen from him. Outstanding. The Jane Fonda thing though ---> I don't know what these idiots are trying to do sometimes.

8.1 out of 10.

99 Homes (2014) - I experienced a disconnect between intellectually understanding that I was seeing something intelligent and interesting - which this movie is in large part - and how much I actually enjoyed it.

Just liked it okay. I can point to a few problems but can say a whole lot of good about it. The performances are great, the story is fresh. The ending was a bit of an eyeroll. Maybe that's my main issue ?

The award season angle - though the movie lists as 2014, it's obviously eligible for 2015 stuff - is Michael Shannon as a Supporting Actor candidate. I am a big fan of the guy and he's completely convincing here as a casually heartless real estate dude in the business of exploiting laws surrounding mortgage foreclosures and evictions.

6.9 out of 10

The Social Network (2010) - Caught it on TV last night. I now regret not watching it when it came out - hell of a movie. Eisenberg is outstanding as borderline-autistic Zuckerberg. I knew the rough outline of MZ's career, including the feud with the "Winklevii" :biglaugh:, but I didn't know about the CFO partner or the Napster guy.

Tremendous dialogue. Sorkin's machine-gun style fit perfectly.

Hell of a docudrama. *slow nods*

8.3 Matty Rains
Love this scene. "You better lawyer up asshole because I'm not coming back for %30-I'm coming back for EVERYTHING." Awesome.
I watched Rocky recently. I know I had seen it before but it had been decades.

Rocky, just to quickly recap, won the Oscar for Best Picture in 1976.

Now I knew it was very much a formula movie - plucky underdog, aging mentor, yada yada - which is not something I am a huge fan of in general - but I had come to assume it must be an absolute treasure of the genre.

Anyway, I gave it a watch.

What a stupid movie.

It beat All the President's Men for Best Picture.


I mean, I understand how sometimes, like, a college basketball team or something will give the learning disabled towel boy a shot in the game when it doesn't mean anything. And the other team will go along knowing the huge thrill they are contributing to for learning disabled guy. It doesn't actually mean anything to the outcome - but learning disabled guy doesn't know that. So take your shot, learning disabled guy.

That's what nominating Rocky for Best Picture amounted to.

But you don't give learning disabled guy an Oscar over All the President's Men.

President's Men. Wasn't that the much to about nothing Watergate scandal(?). That thing we are supposed to ooh and aah about.
I mean granted, at least there used to be journalists back then.

Rocky I, pretty good film imo and way better than any of the other super popular Rockies.
Creed (2015) - Pretty strong movie. WAYYYY better than Rocky IMO.

I doubt I would have even watched it if not for Stallone being nominated for Supporting Actor - but I have to assess all the nominees. Stallone won the GG in fact and I was all ready to jump all over the stupidity of that.

Stallone winning an acting award. Pfft. That's the kind of thing I was fixin' to say.

But I'll be damned if he's not pretty damn good dammit. I would not nominate him for the Oscar but I kind of assume they will and I will not consider it a total joke.

I enjoyed the movie. Glad I saw it. I think they must have used some special effects to create the actual boxing. It looked a lot more realistic than I ever recall boxing looking in a movie. Boxing in movies is often hilariously bad.

But the movie is a lot more than just the in-the-ring scenes. It's pretty good.

7.8 out of 10.
