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Started giving Lincoln a second watch. To me, it a prime example of a movie I would not want to watch in a theatre. It is a movie where I really want to stop and rewatch certain scenes and make sure I am fully understanding what is being explained. There is some dense dialogue in there.

Motivations are very complex. I am positive I did not pick everything up on my first viewing which, while not in a theatre, was one sitting start-to-finish.

Man I wish Steven Spielberg would settle down. He has so much intelligent stuff to display, but he always has to stick in those dumbed-down, people-pleasing, stuntish scenes that pull me right out it.

Anyway, Lincoln I am finding to be very, very good. I see my initial rating on imdb rounded off to 6. That seems a bit ridiculous - it must have been 6.4999. Anyway, while I know I had some issues with a few things that are coming up, I am nonetheless sure that my rating will be increasing.
Speaking of Jewish, Reno did you ever see the movie Avalon (and what did you think of it)?

I am not saying you should. I didn't much enjoy it and rated it 4 out of 10. I found many of the characters very unlikable and wanted to slap them upside the head.

But it is fairly highly rated overall and, reading some comments on the forum, is very beloved by some. Some describe it as their favorite movie period.

Very Jewish, the folks in this movie. Polish Jewish to be exact.
Yeah not much plot. It's just like, here's a sampling of stuff that happened over the decades to a family of Polish Jews after they came to America.

Some of them are just so annoying. The old woman is this impossibly stupid, stubborn dipshit. I guess we're supposed to think, oh, that is so true. Some people are like that. I have known people like that. Wonderful!

Meanwhile I was thinking more like, okay, I haven't really known people like that but whatever, she will be redeemed somewhere along the line.

But no. She goes along and then dies. I think I even said it out loud to my TV as I watched her funeral: "You did nothing but suck and then you died."
I dunno. Ever since last week's episode I have been remembering that quote from T.S. Eliot about how the world ends not with a bang, but a whimper.

That seems to be what is happening with Nucky. Shit had me wincing at a few points last week.

I mean, if it's true, it's true. Fair enough. I had never heard of Nucky Thompson before this show but I had sure as hell heard of Meyer Lansky and Charlie Luciano and Ben Siegel. It should not be surprising that they would rise above Nucky.

A little difficult to watch at times though.
Started giving Lincoln a second watch. To me, it a prime example of a movie I would not want to watch in a theatre. It is a movie where I really want to stop and rewatch certain scenes and make sure I am fully understanding what is being explained. There is some dense dialogue in there.

Motivations are very complex. I am positive I did not pick everything up on my first viewing which, while not in a theatre, was one sitting start-to-finish.

Man I wish Steven Spielberg would settle down. He has so much intelligent stuff to display, but he always has to stick in those dumbed-down, people-pleasing, stuntish scenes that pull me right out it.

Anyway, Lincoln I am finding to be very, very good. I see my initial rating on imdb rounded off to 6. That seems a bit ridiculous - it must have been 6.4999. Anyway, while I know I had some issues with a few things that are coming up, I am nonetheless sure that my rating will be increasing.

Actually no. When all is said and done, the roller-coaster of interesting and challenging motivations being illustrated - plus exceptional acting - against the preponderance of pandering-to-the-lowest-common-denominator, eye-rollable Spielbergian stunts ---> 6.4 out of 10

Rounds off to 6.