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Rudy is a strange movie for me. I find the title character thoroughly annoying throughout the whole movie.

Then, I literally tear up during the redemptive scene. I don't even like the guy, but it's just so fucking redemptive. This has happened all three times I've seen it.

Why I've watched Rudy three times, I have no idea.

I own the movie and watch it every year right before college football season. Yeah that's gay, and I'm okay with that. I also named my kitten Rudy Ruettiger since he is a bengal and the word TIGER is actually in his full name. I think the way they did that part with the Dad there for his first game at Notre Dame and his asshole brother finally supporting him and he gets in for 1 play and gets a sack, with the music and his line right before the snap ("Where do I line up?")...it all points to a male gusher scene.

Chicks cry during the Notebook and guys cry during Rudy. That's just the way it is.
Don't get the crying during Rudy. Dude it's football.

We watched Old Mexico with Robert Duvall. Pretty lame but we like Robert Duvall so is you like Robert Duvall enough to sit through an average at best movie you might like Old Mexico.

5.7 throbbing assholes
Finally got around to watching the movie Immortal Beloved. I am a huge Beethoven fan and you might think I would have checked it out sooner but I heard some things at that time that gave me bad vibes - I let it slide - here we are 20 years later.

Anyway, it's okay. 6 out of 10 kind of deal. Beethoven was an asshole, seems to be a big part of the message. Could be true although everything about the movie seems sensationalized so I don't doubt they exaggerated the asshole stuff too.

I don't know.

I would probably name Moonlight Sonata as the greatest song of any kind ever.
The problem with Masters of Sex as I see it ---> it is too written.

For TV and movies to work for me to maximum effect, I need to be absorbed in the action. I need to only be thinking about the scenarios being presented. I don't want to see actors trying to act and a director trying to make cute/fancy touches and writers trying to write.

With Masters of Sex, it is the writing part that repeatedly pulls me out of it. They keep trying to do tricks at the expense of having a believable, organic narrative.

Lookit me writing here.

Not good.

That is my complaint about that.
Meanwhile, I just watched the series premier of The Knick ---> thought it was excellent. I feel like I've been wading through a lot of mediocrity for awhile and I was starting to wonder if there was anyone left out there that could make really good TV. The Knick feels like a beacon of hope.

Perhaps not the greatest show to watch while eating dinner. Lesson learned there. But it looks like a quality production.
Rudy is a strange movie for me. I find the title character thoroughly annoying throughout the whole movie.

Then, I literally tear up during the redemptive scene. I don't even like the guy, but it's just so fucking redemptive. This has happened all three times I've seen it.

Why I've watched Rudy three times, I have no idea.

its the music (jerry goldsmith) combined with the shared emotion that they show all the other people exhibiting