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Catch-22 (1970) - Bit of a confusing watch because of the non-linear action. Typical semi-shitty 70's acting throughout. Alan Arkin is hit and miss. Martin Sheen is young.

Some of these old classics do not age very well.

5.8 Matty Rains out of a possible 10.
Wolf Of Wall Street. DiCaprio acting like Pacino. Jonah Hill surprisingly entertaining. All females in the movie are nude. Every swear word used (some in different languages).

It was just missing that "wow" factor. Good film...just not great.

3.5 stars out of 5
The Wolf Of Wall Street

If you don't like 3 hour movies because they're 3 hours long you will not like this film. I don't mind 3 hour movies as long as they're good and this one is good. It's not great film that will be talked about 30 years from now but it was worth the 3 hours alone for the 10 minutes that is (what we'll call) the Qualude Cerebral Palsy scene.

It's the funniest thing I've seen on film in over 10 years. My face hurt from laughing.

Leo is incredible (Oscar worthy). The score left a little to be desired. This film is way better than Anerican Hustle

8 Trons
I compared them because they came out during the 2013 holidays and are both retro pieces.

Cougar, your g/f will like Hustle better, unfortunately. Females gonna female.

* there is less nudity in Wolf than I expected but there is a very early scene which women will find offensive (?)
I watched Frances Ha a couple nights ago. Its existence had slipped my attention until now.

I'm glad I found it. Excellent performances. Great feel for dialogue. Just generally a beautiful and funny portrayal of young people struggling, to varying degrees, in New York.


8/10 xes.

ty mrx

watched american astronaut the other day

thought of you

Awww. I recently introduced a bunch of people to american astronaut, projected on a big screen in a friend's yard with a big fire going. I thought of you. It was a good time.

I hope you like Frances Ha. It's great.

I still haven't watched Stingray Sam.
I watched Frances Ha a couple nights ago. Its existence had slipped my attention until now.

I'm glad I found it. Excellent performances. Great feel for dialogue. Just generally a beautiful and funny portrayal of young people struggling, to varying degrees, in New York.


8/10 xes.

that sounds good. I like movies about city life.