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Muddy you've convinced me to rewatch The Sopranos. I'm up to episode 6 of season 1. It's even better the second time around. I remember hating Carmela Soprano, but what an actress that Edie Falco is.

Theme song is so catchy. I never skip it.
I thought that was Springsteen even though it doesn't sound like him but it's not, either someone told me that or more likely I decided that when I found out Sylvio was part of the E-Street Band :lol:

Oz is one of those shows I never followed but I recall watching several episodes and saying to myself damn this is good. Might have to look into that.
I think The Sopranos theme song is good as far as theme songs go, however I listened to it once and then skipped it every other time.

Same goes for The Wire theme.

Oz was an okay show but it was a bit dopey. It was a show that tried a little too hard and got pretty outlandish.

You sure couldn't complain that there was nothing going on. There was always a lot going on. Like A LOT.
I think I came across more critical of Oz than I intended. It had entertainment value and I probably watched every damn episode of its original run. There were a lot of good actors and some good creative people behind it. I'd be curious to look at season 1 again.
I saw Craig Ferguson live at Massey Hall a few years back. It was very entertaining.

I saw Fergusons stand up act on Netflix - specifically his recent show in Washington DC, enjoyed it very much and that lead to wanting to see more of his persona.

Didn't really like him on the Drew Carey Show, but did like the Drew Carey Show itself.