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Mary and Martha (2013) - This is an new HBO movie and it's one of those things. I don't want to say anything bad about it because it's about something really important - malaria and the related tragedy of some people - but as a movie, it is just so clunky and vague.

I stand much better informed than I was 24 hours ago because I was not aware of the scope of the malaria problem in Africa. It's huge and it's devastating. Bonus points to this film for that.

But the presentation was alternately awkward and manipulative. It ends with a suggestion that something happened to feel good about but no specific statement what.

I dunno.

5.4 out of 10 :dunno:

It's funny because I anticipated that response (but didn't think it would happen that fast).

Do you ever have women over at your place? Because that's the shit they ALL watch.

Any guy that has ever had a woman at their house will know what I'm talking about.

They go right to the E Channel or whatever the fuck its called.

Yes, I laughed at Joan Rivers.

You don't have to get it. You just have to :dealwithit

I am extremely happy I do not have a woman like this. In fact, it's a quality I look for in a woman, not interested in garbage tv/movie programming. I mean, if I am going to be spending my free time with you, you are going to have to be at least halfway into the shit I like. She loves Nat Geo and the Discovery and History Channels but I like some of that too.
Did anyone else see the show Carnivale? HBO series that ran for 2 seasons, 2003-2005. Though it was not the sort of thing that would typically be up my alley - lots of mystical stuff - I thought it was great. Very stylish and absorbing and well done.

I would add it to the list of recent recommendations except for one major caveat: it does not have a proper ending. I guess they didn't know they were going to be dumped when they were creating season 2, so it ends off in midstream of several detailed plots.

Damn shame. I was really enjoying it.

The Great Gatsby (1974) - Noticed this in my listings and perhaps with the impending release of a new version having some influence, I decided to rewatch it for, I believe, the first time since high school.

It's okay but nothing to write home about. As sure as I already was that I would not watch the new version, I am more sure now. Massive hack Baz Luhrmann aside, it's just not that enthralling a story.

Main thing I took away is that Sam Waterston must have had some serious dental work done at some point because his teeth used to point in every direction.

5.3 out of 10

The only thing I found odd about the whole thing was that HOLLYWOOD said it was too gay, not that it was actually too gay.

Yeah I personally doubt "Hollywood" said anything of the sort. Hollywood is not a person and if it was, that is not the sort of thing it would say. I can point to 10 billion examples. Whenever I speak to Hollywood, it only has a jaded yawn for the subject of gayness.

I think it's just a marketability thing. Hell, a movie about the Phil Spector murder trial - which is much fresher in people's minds - starring Al Pacino and Helen Mirren - ended up on HBO. Why shouldn't this? Who is thinking about Liberace these days?

I think the whole victimized-by-Hollywood thing was just a strategy on the part of producers looking for publicity any way they can get it.

Having said that ------> Gay.
I suppose one could also ask the question, who is thinking about Michael Douglas these days?

I guess there was that Wall Street sequel but other than that his most recent relevance was like Traffic and Wonder Boys? Year 2000.

Was Traffic when he landed Catherine Zeta-Jones ?? Good job on his part getting that done before the game clock ran out.


I'm unsure if I will watch.

As liberal as I am about homosexuality in principle, I do not enjoy watching guys making out. It makes me wince and turn away.

I don't want to be that way but I am. Just don't like it.

Now I am somewhat curious about the movie because the commercial I saw had some beautiful piano music. It was calling to me. Chances are I'll start watching. But will I finish? Even I don't know what side to bet on that.