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Yeeesss? That Emily Blunt? Good? Bad?

What are you saying?

The Hunger Games (2012) - I have to confess, this movie rubbed me the wrong way right from the start. I'm talking long before my recent viewing. I'm talking from my first glimpse of clips way back when. Something about the look of the people and the ghey names. Effie Trinket? Fok that.

So I went into it with a bit of a bad attitude. But I don't think it was just those superficial considerations that leads me to give it a thumbs down. There were some big problems with the story-telling. Weird gaps. Things kept going off in directions that made no sense. Characters behaved out of character as it was convenient to move things along. The pace was poor and they could/should have cut out at least 25 minutes of filler.

I guess I was supposed to be pulling for Katniss Everdeen (ugh, that name), but I really wasn't. Sure, I wanted her to win over some of the villains-of-the-WWE that had been so heavy-handedly set up, but did I actually like her? Not particularly. She didn't feel like a person. She was badly written and made no sense. She was a slab of meat.

As for our young lead actress Jennifer Lawrence, I have now seen her in 3 movies and I feel I can put forward a preliminary evaluation: I am not a fan. I don't think she is that talented (I did not approve of her Oscar nomination for Winter's Bone), and I don't love her looks.

I have focused on the negatives but it is not entirely without merit. You've got all these kids slaughtering kids and you want to see how it plays out. I did watch to the end and was never really considering bailing.

4.6 out of 10.
RR, I believe Muddy's right! I see this girl every day walking down the street! Nothing special!

take make up off of every woman and fuck up their hair and you will be attracted to not many... she does have a look that you either like or dont...looks more european than anything else to me... looking at her, would have never guessed she was kentucky born
Hot Coffee (2011) - Very biased documentary about tort reform in the USA. The Hot Coffee of the title refers to the 1994 case of the woman who spilled MacDonalds coffee on herself and got seriously burned and sued them and won. It is presented as more-or-less ground zero of frivolous lawsuits that led to all the tort reform which has ultimately taken a lot of the power to decide civil cases out of the hands of juries. By various evil machinations, it ends up in the hands of corporations/insurance companies etc. It is very eye opening - and maddening - but the doc was presented in such a biased (anti-reform) posture that, even though I agree with the major points being made and consider them important, I can't call it a really great doc.

Some good stuff though. 6 out of 10.
50/50 (2011) - This is a movie that hit all the right notes for me. Very possibly the best picture of last year IMO.

It is about a guy who is diagnosed with cancer which the internet tells him he has a 50/50 chance of surviving (thus the title). He has a relatively small circle of people in his life and they each have their own reaction. It all seemed very authentic and insightful to me. Not particularly because I have had a few people close to me go through the cancer diagnosis - and subsequent treatment. But just because it does. It has some very funny moments but it is also touching without being overbearing.

7.7 out of 10 (rounds off to a rare 8 at imdb for me)