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Bread please put your titles in bold print similar to the format Muddy and I have so we can at least have a little organization around here thanks in advance.

Since Cami is a bigtime Mariah Carey fan we watched Wisegirls (2002). Stunning acting by all parties, plot development reminiscent of The Wire in its prime, 10 out of 10 across the board, this is according to Cami I had no opinion. Must watch asap according to Cami.


the only reason it got watched, it just happened to be on and we were in bed, and no one bothered to change the channel.
I didn't care much for the movie, It went from bad, to worse, to ever worse....I give it 2.5 stieviestars.
:lmao: So they jumped off a cliff right into the boat! Unreal, anyone can make a movie!

Bread, you never gave us your opinion of Con Air with Nick Cage! The accent of his sounded like a Southern who was retarded! Maybe just me! Great assembly of cast in it though! Love it!
Muddy, wow! This starts up again soon and just saw where heavyweight Shirley MacLaine added to cast! Thought the first season was better but will be in tune for the 3rd season for sure!

Yes I heard that Shirley MacLaine is going to be her Ladyship's American mother. I imagine she'll be having some wry exchanges with Maggie Smith.

Old babe brawl!!!

When does the new season start anyway?
When does the new season start anyway?

Downton Abbey season 3 premieres January 6, 2013 on PBS. UK residents will get it earlier! Bloody bastards!


Muddy, maybe due to NFL foots not next month like in the UK? At least get to see Sunday Night football though!
It really is amazing to me how fast my rating of the show The Newsroom crashed. After about episode 3, I rated it 9 and was ready to consider it up there with the all-time great shows. I know I gushed on here a few times.

7 episodes later, I have it at 5 and am teetering on bailing. I'll probably watch the first episode or 2 of next season but smart money would have me dumping it.
It really is amazing to me how fast my rating of the show The Newsroom crashed. After about episode 3, I rated it 9 and was ready to consider it up there with the all-time great shows. I know I gushed on here a few times.

7 episodes later, I have it at 5 and am teetering on bailing. I'll probably watch the first episode or 2 of next season but smart money would have me dumping it.

Haven't seen it but your opinion seems to be possibly the growing sentiment! Ironic cause last night on sports talk radio guy (can't remember who) mentiond that Newsroom was one of the worst shows around! Surprised me but now I realize why with your view on it! Muddy, more often that not you're on the ball to what's good and bad on TV! :clap:
Ehhh, I have my taste. Judging by imdb, some people are still loving it.

If the guy on the radio is partisan Republican, it is pretty automatic that he will hate it and find it the worst show around - for completely different reasons than me. The show never had any chance with rigid Republicans and I doubt anyone ever imagined it would.

I just find the whole thing so pretentious. It is just one guy on a soapbox (with a bunch of painfully contrived love sub-plots thrown in where I think I am supposed to be happy if so-and-so ends up with so-and-so but I just don't give a crap because the characters don't seem like people. They are just hand-puppets.)

The thing is, I agree with almost every point that is made. There are many important issues touched on in a reasonably astute way. But the pretense is just so offensive to me.
The Adjustment Bureau (2011) - I just plain had a problem buying into the premise. I don't want to post spoilers and start describing it, but if you can't take the premise seriously, the movie is not going to blow you away. (And that is another problem: the effort they put into explaining the rules of the world they are presenting. I mean, it wasn't like Inception where that was 3/4ths of the movie but it seemed like a lot).

Anyway, it is based on a story by Philip K. Dick who has a pretty good record as source material for movies (Minority Report, Blade Runner, Total Recall). Maybe it was just me and the mood I was in that I couldn't get invested. I don't know. At times I thought it would have worked better as a comedy.

Anyway I warmed up to it somewhat as it went along. Matt Damon and Emily Blount were good, appealing, convincing leads. My first attempt to record it actually went fubar on me with 25 minutes left and I definitely cared about finding it again so I could catch the ending ASAP. I'm not saying it was bad. But something just didn't quite click.

5.4 out of 10.
Yeah, I was a bit surprised that I ended up with a mild thumbs-up-for-rental kind of rating considering how down I was on it in the early going. But I can't lie. When my recording garbled the ending the first time, I felt genuinely motivated to re-record it so I could see what happens.

Given that level of interest, I had to go over 5 anyway.

The overall imdb rating is 7.1 so someone is liking it a lot.
And it should be pointed out that, having re-recorded the movie so I could catch the ending ---> the ending was pretty ridiculous.

Actually the more I think about the whole thing, the more holes and general dopiness I become aware of.

Like, if the Adjustment Bureau has been around for thousands of years at least, what did they do before there were doorknobs? Know what I'm saying?
Checked out a few TV shows that were new to me in the last week or so.

Copper - This was okay. Hour long drama which I would describe in content (although not in quality) as Deadwood meets Gangs of New York. I watched the entire hour-long episode and did not bail. That is saying something. I could possibly watch more episodes but I dunno. There was no wow factor and I don't need more TV to watch at the moment, not without a wow factor. But maybe.

Common Law - Hour long cop comedy set in modern-day L.A. Other than that, the above review applies exactly. Okay but doubtful I will go out of my way to see it again.

Girls Guide to Depravity - Not good. Sex and the City wannabe that wants a lot of credit for talking about sex but is just so amateurishly written. Didn't make it through a whole episode and will not watch again.