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I have to say: The Newsroom, after a really rousing start, came back to earth. It's pretty good but not much more than that IMO.

The hook, which has been to skewer the state of modern news media - and the Republicans - is valid and occasionally very astute. That part is good. However it is becoming repetitive and they occasionally employs stunts that you know would never happen in the real world. Basically they are reviewing coverage of real past events and making the same points Jon Stewart made a year and a half ago. It's thoughtful but not mind-blowing.

Other than that it has settled into a show about pretty conventional relationship dynamics with dialogue that often (usually?) sounds more like actors reading scripts than actual people talking - which is not good. It calls itself a comedy. Sometimes it is funny but sometimes the humor is heavy-handed and sitcommy.

I believe last night was the season 1 finale. For awhile I thought this show might be a 9, but now I think it's more like a 7. 7 is good but it is going in the wrong direction.

meh, i dont read all that much into one so-so ep...this week was the first week of the season that i thought breaking bad outperformed newsroom...and politcal animals as well as Boss were much better than both...

muddy , do you watch Hell on Wheels? amc turns out some good fuckin tv :yes:
It's not that there was one so-so episode. It's that there were a couple good episodes and now it has settled into a pattern which has some major problems.

The more I think about it, the more generous I feel to even be talking about it as a 7. I could see myself baling on it mid-next season if it keeps going like this. The stuff that seemed good at first is becoming shrill and contrived. And as for regular TV show values - characters, relationships, comedy - it is mediocre. This love triangle/quadrangle that they've been pushing since episode one, just makes me roll my eyes. This Mac character and her prolonged rants in the middle of the Newsroom are embarrassing and nonsensical. I don't know what that mock debate was supposed to be but it made no sense on any level as something that a newsroom would really do.

It all just seems like Aaron Sorkin venting personal frustrations and becoming less elegant and more childish about it. They get that Lisa girl on the air for an interview and BOOM - she's Aaron Sorkin. Everyone is Aaron Sorkin. They all share one personality. They all reason the same and they know the same theater/poetry references and they all have the same glib way of fast-talking.

But I guess some people like his style. I haven't watched his other shows but I was reading some discussions today and I understand they have the same patterns - and they had some success.

No, I haven't seen Hell on Wheels. Like I haven't even seen it in my listings so I don't know if I get it.
I meant to download Hell on Wheels last night and I ended up with the first 2 episodes of Gordon Ramsay's Hotel Hell, which was pretty good.

Don't ever stay at Juniper Hill Inn in Vermont. The two fags who run it are borderline criminals/psychopaths.

Also, don't drink and download.
I saw the series finale of Entourage yesterday. What a horrible, ridiculous effort.

It's never been a great show but I have always found it watchable. Sure, it declined over the seasons - and it's not the kind of show I would ever watch in reruns - but I could generally count on ~22 minutes of turn-your-brain-off escapism. But that finale was just heinous. What the hell even happened? Suddenly they brought in the writers from Sex and the City (or perhaps Leave it to Beaver) whose imaginations can't go beyond the idea that getting married is the pinnacle of human existence? Doesn't matter if anyone is happy - just as long as they are married.

Can't think of a worse series finale I have ever seen. :down:
10 deep Matty. My mind is constantly racing trying to improve their methods.

I shouldn't be watching this. :wah:

my only real gripe about the show is the whoreshit surrounding Omar... If i am one of the biggest dope groups in the city and that nigger steals my shit once...just 1 fucking time...he is dead...in real life, Stringer Bell would have never tolerated that queer :donthinkso:
The Iron Lady (2011) - This is the performance for which Meryl Streep won her third Oscar. I love Meryl Streep and I feel she should have more than 3 Oscars and she was indeed excellent as usual in this.

Okay. Having said that . . .

This is an oppressively offensively poorly done movie. The terrible decision-making that went into the construction of it is astonishing. It is retarded. You would think this is a biopic of a historically significant figure from history and the stuff that happened leading up to and during her years of influence. But not really. The focus of the movie *** SPOILER ALERT ??? *** is an elderly Thatcher experiencing dementia and hallucinating her dead husband. No one even knows if Thatcher went through that. It is pure speculation on the part of the film-makers. And it's not just like 7 minutes or something; no, a very large chunk of the film is devoted to it. Maybe half??? It felt like at least half.

So while you might think they'd be exploring the rise to power of one of the first female heads of state, or perhaps the relationship with the Soviets/Reagan and the end of the cold war, or perhaps the domestic conflict with the IRA, or perhaps the Falklands War, they instead are showing a bunch of completely made-up scenes of dementia. And then when they finally do get around to exploring the real stuff, they do an incredibly weak, shallow job of it.

It's just fokking ridiculous. One can only hope that someone someday makes a real biopic of this important subject and this movie can simply be deleted.

Without Streep it would be 3 out of 10 tops. As is, I'll go 4.
I read some good news today. Apparently they are doing a new season of Arrested Development.

I had heard speculation of a movie almost since the show was cancelled in 2006 - but it kept not coming together for a variety of mysterious reasons. But this news of a whole new TV season is out of the blue for me. It is already showing on imdb so I guess it is not just a rumor. And in fact the news I heard was that it was being expanded (from 10 episodes to 13) because they have so much material. All good.

Hopefully they can recapture the magic.
I read some good news today. Apparently they are doing a new season of Arrested Development.

I had heard speculation of a movie almost since the show was cancelled in 2006 - but it kept not coming together for a variety of mysterious reasons. But this news of a whole new TV season is out of the blue for me. It is already showing on imdb so I guess it is not just a rumor. And in fact the news I heard was that it was being expanded (from 10 episodes to 13) because they have so much material. All good.

Hopefully they can recapture the magic.

Roger Sterling is in the show/movie.