Hooligans Sportsbook

More thoughts on jobs and working

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this is entitled "baby and dog catch a goldfish"


Ok here's the story.
Part 1
The one brother who was given a union card for being black is gone.

One brother remains..probably 48-50...lotta years in the business.

He keeps fucking up.

Shop talk.

Exhaust...building need it...in bathrooms to take away shower steam and shit smell.
And in kitchens so the whole place don't smell like fried chicken when they are cooking in their free government paid for apartments.

I have round duct traveling up behind the walls in about 25 areas.

Their is a hole or 2 on each floor in that duct to connect the box that the grille/register screws on to.

That's his job...to connect the boxes. 124 of them.

I come check on him and the back of the box is sticking out past the carpenters studs 5 or 6 times each floor.

To further illustrate..The box is supposed to face tyrones unit...but the back of it is sticking out of the wall in laquandas unit.
So now he is going back through all the residentiAl units doing other stuff..

So am I...running all the thermostat wire for the units.

So go into his unit today and talk to him about something and I look up and see another box sticking out of the wall and say.

Guess what is fucked up in here...he says yeah I know box is out of the wall.
I ask why this keeps happening...he don't know.

Couple of apartments down I yell out to him...ay...there's another one over here.
He don't even respond.
End of day we are by the gangbox.(tool lockup thinga manjigger)

I say

Make sure you look at every box..because the gd drywallers will just cut around that box if it's sticking out and then we are fucked.
(Now, to properly fix it we need to take the drywall down and fix it and they need to patch the drywall...it just shouldn't ever happen.)

He says "yeah I know, I seen one where they did that."

I say

Are you fuckin kidding me...where the fuck is that at?

He doesn't fucking know..

I say..did you fix it

He says no...but he will.

I tell him the first step of fixing it...is to know where the fuck it is at.

I tell him if they start taping the drywall now we got a even bigger problem.

Now he is visibly getting agitated by my remarks...he tells me it's time to go home.
So this guy...when you address that he isn't properly fixing his fuckups..he gets pissy with me.

I just can't wrap my head around it...he is fucking up his fuckups.

Cocksucker is making a dollar a minute and he is fucking up fuckups.

Long story short.

If he was white...he would be laid off but he is black so he stays.

Color is now a qualification.
Some of these socks I bought are not full socks. They don't go partway up the shin. They only go just over the ankle bone. They stop there.

It's a different dynamic. Feels weird right now but we'll see how things go.

Change is good.

Yeah, these small socks have taken over. Half the socks in my cubby-hole are regular "high" socks but whenever I take some out and contemplate putting them on ----> request denied.

The concept of those full socks - it's like putting on a skidoo suit.

It's short ankley socks for me now.
Shit going down here. Two people let go from the warehouse. That's huge. No way the 2 people remaining (plus me half the day) can handle the load - at least based on order volume as of last week.

Must be cutting out a chunk of the business in some way.

Now an office chick just came through for goodbyes.

Don't know who might be next. Spooky.

Everybody is being escorted right out of the building - which seems weird and cold to me - these aren't sales people - but I guess that's how they're doing it.

Company meeting coming up - but not for a couple hours. Probably means there are cuts in the Vancouver office.

Shit going down RIGHT NOW.
So our CEO is leaving. Yesterday, her assistant started passing around a giant card for people to sign, and I was somehow the first person asked to sign it. I hate signing cards, so I just wrote a platitude in 5 seconds and gave it back. It did occur to me that the card wouldn't be giant enough to contain 180 goodbye messages.

But what I saw this morning was unbelievable. The card came back to our dept 'cause someone wasn't here yesterday.

So people heard about the card and they decided to, get this, reserve real estate in the fucking card by sticking Post-Its on it. Presumably so they would have time to find the best way to brown-nose the departing CEO, but also to prevent lesser people from using prime space in the card.

They did not put their names on the Post-Its.

I want names.