He means, in the next 6-12 months try Mexican food 6-12 more times. Try some tacos, try another burrito (with different filling), hell eat some enchiladas. Then make your assessment.
Mexican > American > Italian >... Haven't thought of the rest... Japanese is low. To be fair I haven't really explored Indian but I've liked what I've had.
I've been thinking I gotta pick up some pelmeni.
Of course when I go to that store I end up getting a bunch of kielbasas and sardines and candies, and all kinds of stuff that's not great for me
Got my new glasses - courtesy of benefits - and I'm diggin' 'em. These will be the glasses I wear at work - because that's where my glasses are seen the most, and these are the glasses I most want to be seen.
I feel like they make a statement, these glasses - and that statement is: I'm wearing glasses.
Hmm. So year-end bonus is coming soon and we have the option to make an extra contribution from it to the RRSP. Over and above my normal 6% with 4% match. The 4% match will not change but I can up the percentage of the chunkable chunk if I want.
The guy that is working beside me the last little while - he really likes to say bless you when someone sneezes. He needs to. He is insistent. He gravely projects his Bless you's out into the world.
And it doesn't have to be someone close by. Often I won't even hear the sneeze.
I'll just suddenly hear, "Bless you!" like it's the most important thing anyone ever said.
One of the amazing things about this employer is the profit-sharing plan. Every December, every employee gets a dollar for every million dollars in sales. With sales coming in at 4.13 billion, that's $4130. That's up from $3600 last year which has nothing to do with what I'm saying right now except to illustrate: incredible growth, this joint. The future looks bright.
Anyway, having started at the end of June, I was expecting a pro-rated amount, basically half. Couple grand. That seemed logical and in fact I was told that by official people on more than one occasion. And I was damn happy to have it coming, lemme tell ya.
Out of the blue they just announced, everyone who started before Sept. 1 gets the full amount.