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More thoughts on jobs and working

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Crazy sequence for eggerballz. Literally pulled an all nighter trying to clean up the Philly place. We'll see how that goes, I thought I did alright. Training all day for the job, I continue to love it. My selling game is so tight. A lot of studying about the product to do though. I'm pretty sure they love me and know that I am going to make them a ton of moolah and in return they'll pay me a bunch of moolah. Hopefully take down some tv's and tickets as well. Things seem to be turning around y'all and I am so thankful.

We count our blessings and we push forward.
egg, you prick, stop being so ambiguous. You saying you're still playing poker? Is that what that is? You're working and moving too. Is that what's going on here? And also writing music or something? Give me a foking synopsis pal

All of it my friend.

Poker I have to get rolled again for, my UC (from dying) ran out so I had to take a hiatus from that. Once I'm caught up I have a comped room, food and free slots at one of my favorite casinos waiting for me so that will be fun. I'm still playing free stuff online, winning gift cards and selling them for some extra moolah. My cash game remains very respectable and my tourney game still resembles that of a cash pro trying to play tourneys. A lot of small cashes. When I have time I'll read up more on tourneys, I have an e-book waiting for me.

As a result I had to get a real job. I linked up with an awesome recruiter, and she hooked me up with a very well to do company that sells medical emergency systems to people. I love it and we have what I think is becoming a love connection. When I'm done with training I smell large commission checks around the corner. They're funny, too. Me: I like to cover Kings of Leon. Manager: Isn't Kings of Leon a Prince tribute band? Me (laughing hard): KOL is definitely NOT a Prince tribute band Manager (bursts out laughing at my reaction). Hepro. I didn't go back to mortgages because they all want to pay straight commission now and I'm nowhere close to being rolled enough to go 4 months with no income so I can close a purchase. When the election ends rates will go up and refis will fade. I made friends working for the Hillary campaign. The one has a boyfriend but I had a great time chilling with her, we did nothing official. She's very chill and I think there's a good chance she will end up working at this job with me. I'll respect her barriers though. A younger one I can't decide if she's playing me to an extent or not. She ignored me at the Hillary job after we had a great time working together (except for me losing the car for a long time and running a red which she yelled at me for) then had a job call me. I said to that guy form that job that I had no time because this job is serious and requires all I've got. He told me the only way the girl is going to know that I appreciate her gesture is if I come to their meeting. He won't give me details on the job so I don't know wtf it is or if she works there. As a result I doubt I'll hear from her again and that sucks but ok.

I had to leave the apartment long story because I had too many beer cans around. Someone ratted on me for it so I went looking for them. They got pissed and I got more pissed then the landlord basically said you're a slob and now also a psycho so get the f out. I respect them and them likewise to an extent, I think.

I am leaning towards moving near my new job. I'm getting a good vibe from the women in the area, there's a couple universities around and they're different than the women near the art museum. They're all hot but those were rich and they know it. These aren't so once the checks from the job start flowing I think I'll do well with that here.

On the tail end of my UC/Poker run I really went off with music, pulled off some U2 kind of shit in that I dressed up as a bum and played the bums' corner. One threatened to have the homies come kill me if I didn't get off his conrer. The frat kids said I didn't look like a bum and I was fooling no one. A little girl cried in the park when I played Satan gave me a Taco and MTV Makes Me Want to Smoke Crack, oops. She waited until Totally Confused to burst out. Played the corner when the drunk girls were coming out of the bars and some people danced, then I got mugged. I have a place I like to drink up there where they encourage me to play my heart out, so I do. People come and sit around me and say I sound good, then go. It's fun - it really is and I look forward to it a lot.

Still look forward to the comedy too, my mind has been so tangled up in everything going on that it hasn't been a funny time for me so haven't landed any new material there lately. That will come back when things free up a little bit.

So yeah, been a little busy.

Hope you've been good Renoballz.
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I am very thankful to have a friend and a life coach that can say to me without hesitance "no, if you eat that you will die" and "no, you're being ridiculous, what are you even thinking" and "no, you played that hand wrong, and here's why" and "yes, this is a good idea - go forward with that all the way". Hopefully I can keep things together and finally find a wife and settle down, and we can be happy.
:lmao: yeah I don't know fellas.

I was always pretty whack but ever since flatlining I just always feel like doing something, and it's very rarely sane.

I do know you guys crack me the fok up, though.

That girl in the pharmacy asked me how I was doing today WITHOUT me saying something first and when the cashier had to ask her a question for me and I said "well if she said it it must be true" she giggled.

We could end up being friends.