I thought she was leaving to British Columbia?
Nah, turns out she's driving up to see family in Ontario, some 90 minutes away. She's here for at least an extra week and she's not working.
I didn't even get one-on-one time last night - she did not understand that I was asking her out on a date*** and we had to join a big group who wanted to party before her vacation.

Popular and very odd girl... major self-esteem issues, has never been seen with a guy ("no one ever got anywhere with Nose Stud Girl man, forget it") and is afraid to turn into a crazy cat lady soon.
Most offbeat girl ever (and may I remind you that I wrestled a steel-toed chick outside a bar, at 3am, not long ago.)
Anyhoo. I kissed her goodnight and she said she'd drive down next week for an actual one-on-one date.
Sure, whatever, that could be nice. I'm not desperately trying to get in your pants. I'm cool.
This city keeps on delivering the lolz.
[***conversation between me and a coworker who's known the girl for years:
Him-Nose Stud Girl is very naive. She's not normal.
Me-Dude, she knows what she's doing, she's been stringing me along all week. We had agreed to go out on a date tonight, then she brought me here.
Him-If you didn't use the word "date" she has no idea what you were trying to do.
Me-Fok off.
Him-Go ask her.
He was right.

She apologized, blushed and proposed a date for next week.]