Hooligans Sportsbook

if you could kill one mlb player, who would it be?

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Don Mattingly.

When I was little I had his '84 Dunross rookie card and it was supposed to be worth over $100 according to the the guide when he went on a tear. I was thinking that I would walk down to the shop, miles away and trade that card in for a bunch of stuff a 10 year old wants. I walked. It was raining I think. The guy at the shop chuckled and said he'd give me a buck since everyone is selling those right now. I couldn't even get a slushee at the 711 next door. I walked home in the rain (I think) with my head down. I complained to my father and he explained to me that selling value is only what someone will pay for something. This improved my day exactly zero percent.

Definitely Don Mattingly, after that guy at the card shop, but my money is on that having taken care of itself.
fok that guy. that was a nice card. trying to rip off little kids, bullshit.

They're mostly all out of business by now.

Maybe Ray Knight :dunno: would have to be a Met. Tommy Lasorda works too.
All the players I used to hate, in retrospect I dont mind them anymore
Ray Knight is a SOLID one, what a douche! That whole Mets team look at them now, pretty funny. Staw, Doc, Dykstra, Knight. Straw and Doc lightweights Dykstra goes pro with his fed level crimes.

Hernandez wins with Seinfeld Cameo.

RIP Carter.

Davey Johnson though. Holy shit.
With roughly 10 games left per team in the 2014 season, there have been 103 less people at the ballpark per game this year as opposed to last year.

They should probably just cancel the 2015 season.


which is down from a big drop in attendance 2012-2013 .... attendance went up for what, like 5-6 yrs or so before 2012...a lot due to new venues/upgraded venues who gave away tickets/discounted the fuck out of tickets/added more family days etc ... all in an attempt to bring in more people (people who wouldnt buy a reg $ ticket to begin with)... they wouldnt have sniffed an upswing in attendance without more deals, no? ... and tv ratings have been dropping forever...years and years (actually like 50% since the 90s), but i notice you just buried your head there and gave in... that one was a no brainer and im not even sure why you bothered arguing it

so attendance is down, again, this year and tv ratings are at a miserable low ... anything else? its fun debating with you

again, the first post was made for fun, but is 100% fact... the mlb will always be a money maker for most cities... but now, even all the free tix/discount tix etc. appear to be losing their luster