The toaster pictured above is brand new. I'd been wanting one for years, but I had this larger, more modern 4-slice toaster that was perfectly functional.
Then the sister-in-law got two of the same silvery toaster at her wedding shower.
The wife was all like "too bad we don't need a toaster."
I was all like "the fuck you saying, this thing's coming home."
Damn though, glasses cost a bit more than I thought. I knew the optometrist appointment was 80 bucks and I sort of figured I could use some existing frames and just buy lenses, and fit the whole thing in under my $150 benefits allotment.
Nope. Lenses cost some money. She started out saying something like $190.
Oh well that includes such-and-such special coating. Without that it's only $140.
Well we don't have to make them with such-and-such special thin design . . .
----> ended up at ~$100
Still a bite out of the monthly budget but not as bad as it seemed for a minute there.