Matty I think you're going to have to grow some balls and make a decision either way. Either cherish your luck at finding an awesome roomy and go out and root randoms immediately to get this shit out of your system or take a chance and just go for it with the Amy Adams lookalike. (Before pic)
Xmas gift - that's something a chick would buy for her boyfriend, not a friend. The meaning behind it is too sappy for just a normal roomie gift.
Wally's right - that was her version of a hissy fit when Chunky Chick was at your place. That's the first thing I thought of when you told that story in another thread because in all honesty, that's pretty rude behaviour on her part. She didn't know the date was a dud and even if she was plastered, she'd surely have enough sense to make herself scarce.
Life isn't a chick flick Matty. You're not going to live together, both of you having casual flings with other people and then look into each other's eyes one day and decide it's the right time to have a relationship. If you start bringing chicks home, you'll most likely kill all chances of a future thing with the roomy. Which is ok if that's what you want but you need to be realistic here. She was jealous when you were sitting on the couch with CC. How do you think she'll feel/ react when you're going at with one in your bedroom?
Best of luck Matty.