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go wall street protest

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Lots of objectionable shit in that post. For one, I don't think there is much of a correlation between the "quality" of your school/program and one's paycheck/income potential. Selling yourself after getting out of school is way more important than what your resume says you did.

I like his take on the irrational envy created by the high-income earners.

1% is a shitload of people, people.
The gripe is that someone is making that money at the expense of others, home and abroad. And the government instead of serving the needs of the general public which (we are taught) it is elected to do, facilitates the process.

The protest isn't about people who don't want to work. (It would be if I was running it: fuck work, fuck wage slavery)
It is about people who do want to work, who believed in the bs, and are now finally realizing that nobody gives a shit.
The protest has far reaching appeal and for the most part is non radical.
Lots of objectionable shit in that post. For one, I don't think there is much of a correlation between the "quality" of your school/program and one's paycheck/income potential. Selling yourself after getting out of school is way more important than what your resume says you did.

I like his take on the irrational envy created by the high-income earners.

1% is a shitload of people, people.

A grad of a Ivy League school will have more chances to succeed than from other schools. The networking is too great not to succeed. In the end that person has to perform to prove their worth.
hey reno, those people should've woke up long ago and quit pulling the levers for donkeys and elephants. if it was up to me, in fact, i'd at least make sure ALL of these knuckleheads have: 1) a voter's registration card, and; 2) have taken part in at least 80% of the local, state and federal elections that they've had the opportunity to take part in. i'd bet 5:1 that a third of the asshats at these 'occupy' sites aren't registered voters.

just wait a couple of weeks in some locales and let 'em freeze their 'nads off.

we had an occupy kyle field rally last saturday and got our point across by: a) stimulating the local economy in college station, texas; b) providing vocal support for our team, and; c) drinking beer, a great american pastime, certainly more american than gathering in some park and trashing the place.
United States is a pretty fucked up nation with backwards priorities.

BVG (Bleeding Vagina Girl) works for a non-profit that sends American teachers to oil rich counties to teach school. Most of these teachers in the south are living in poverty. They don't want to leave but are essentially forced to leave. I don't understand the way Americans treat teachers are some sort of evil necessity.
I think this movement is a great study in generational theory and how different Segments of society. View what is taking place.

I still haven't wrapped my head fully around the thesis, but I will always support people asserting their God given (read NOT VOTE GOTTEN) rights, to protest any ideas or non-ideas they think worthy.... within the law, and slightly outside the law (been down the civil disobedience and just down right disobedience road myself)

as an American (fok you Fiver, Matty, Plommer ect)

we wouldn't have these "rights" to talk about unless a bunch of radicals didn't want to pay the Queen an ocean away, taxes anymore and who knows what else other shit.... because we don't put it under a microscope....

I'm sure it was way more complex, it was obviously more deadly. many innocent good British blokes and new landers died for things that went way over their heads....

but they trusted in others' opinions they respected and looked up to.....and fought for them

but they were healthy and strong, and ready to blindly fight, shoot, kill, and be killed......

in the end i'm okay with youngins blindly protesting things that others have said "hey this is worthing getting together and 'protesting' come on" even if ALL the protesters don't, aren't able to, or can't, or won't vote....

If I can let youngins that can't drink go and die for this country. I'm okay with letting anyone protest what they or others' believe is unfair
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Let's all take reno's advice and quit our jobs NOW

Reno will buy the following:

Matty's bourbon
Breads Korn tickets
kato's post rock
BetPloms external hard drives
Jurors drano
Potato's flying gloves
Caspers subscription to How To Look Like You've Moved On When You Really Haven't newsletter
Blitty's heel extenders
My heavy duty mirror cleaner/child care costs
Cougars shampoo/conditioner/blow dryer bill
Mr.M's weekly exclamation key replacement costs.

Everyone on the count of THREE quit your job and stick it to the MACHINE!
