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go wall street protest

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Supposedly the tolls pay for roads. Yeah right. See, the thing is FW you and I watch every day as our corrupt state rapes the taxpayers, leaves broken roads and high crime rates for us to deal with. Not to mention one of the worst school systems in the country and highest unemployment rates.

How on earth is that possible?

One of the highest tax rates yet every surrounding state is doing better. I guess more taxes doesn't fix anything does it? You need people in there that spend the money on the right things.
Supposedly the tolls pay for roads. Yeah right. See, the thing is FW you and I watch every day as our corrupt state rapes the taxpayers, leaves broken roads and high crime rates for us to deal with. Not to mention one of the worst school systems in the country and highest unemployment rates.

How on earth is that possible?

One of the highest tax rates yet every surrounding state is doing better. I guess more taxes doesn't fix anything does it? You need people in there that spend the money on the right things.

Funny that the states with no state taxes are doing better. If I were Illinois I would adopt that and attract the corporations they are losing. They get that revenue back thru the jobs created.
your thoughts on Ron Paul?

haven't heard much about him recently, but he had some good things to say during the last election: Namely ending endless war and getting out foreign countries. I'm all for that and whatever other personal liberties the libertarian types support. However, I don't believe you can allow private tyrannies, ie corporations, to run unchecked and dictate public policy.
How much money did we spend putting Hussein in power?
We should seal the Mexican border. How many countries would let non-citizens drain their system?

What right wingers fail to understand is that the vast majority of American "expenses", involvement oversees is not done out of some good will. It is done to expand influence, capture markets, steal resources for the benefit of same corporations. Of course, this also transfers public funds to private business interests.

Where's the trillion $ going? It's not going to poor Iraqis. It's going to pay private and public armies, weapons contractors, etc. Furthermore, the same shmuck that sacrifices his health and life in the army is doing it for wealth and power that he has no claim to, under the current system.

You guys are complaining about the same shit the protesters are. You all just been bombarded with propaganda for too many years to realize it.
Why is California broke?

They were stupid and gave out 100k pensions to everyone and their brother and set up their govt so it was impossible to raise taxes? The mexicans came to work, not for handouts. Work has dried up, and they leave. Not like the poor americans who ask for handout after handout. If they were willing to work in the first place there never would have been jobs for the mexicans to come and take.
They were stupid and gave out 100k pensions to everyone and their brother and set up their govt so it was impossible to raise taxes? The mexicans came to work, not for handouts. Work has dried up, and they leave. Not like the poor americans who ask for handout after handout. If they were willing to work in the first place there never would have been jobs for the mexicans to come and take.

I agree with all of that. I have a real gripe with businesses paying them under the table to avoid taxes. Social Security gets screwed also. A by-product is them having kids here and over-crowded jails that we pay for. Do other countries let outsiders drain their system? I think you know that answer.
I dont think SS is getting that screwed, Im pretty sure they are benefiting. Is the amount they lose from people paying under the table greater than the amount they gain from all the illegals that use fake or dead peoples SS numbers to work? That money all gets paid in, but it never has to get paid out.

Other countries like most in Europe are way worse for letting people in and giving them benefits. Of course they are all screwed worse than we are.

But, this is the whole problem with making them illegals. Make them legal, make them pay taxes. Dont allow them to qualify for welfare.

I had to sign papers (and have my dad co-sign because the embassy didnt like my source of income) that if Mrs. Durito ever goes on government assistance in the USA, we have to reimburse the government their costs. They could certainly let people in on the condition that they work and pay taxes. Of course thats not really a problem anymore since they arent coming. They are estimating a net outflow of mexicans this year.