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go wall street protest

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I dont think SS is getting that screwed, Im pretty sure they are benefiting. Is the amount they lose from people paying under the table greater than the amount they gain from all the illegals that use fake or dead peoples SS numbers to work? That money all gets paid in, but it never has to get paid out.

Other countries like most in Europe are way worse for letting people in and giving them benefits. Of course they are all screwed worse than we are.

But, this is the whole problem with making them illegals. Make them legal, make them pay taxes. Dont allow them to qualify for welfare.

I had to sign papers (and have my dad co-sign because the embassy didnt like my source of income) that if Mrs. Durito ever goes on government assistance in the USA, we have to reimburse the government their costs. They could certainly let people in on the condition that they work and pay taxes. Of course thats not really a problem anymore since they arent coming. They are estimating a net outflow of mexicans this year.

SS is broken Durito, much of it because congress borrows from it for other needs. Like I said, the government needs to run more efficient and worry more about home right now than people who hate our guts.
My friends thoughts on this. It's well worth the 30 seconds that it takes to read it.

I think the underlying sentiment of this movement is complete bullshit. And I think that by looking at their views (as disjointed as they may be) on the merits. If I can distill the mantra of this movement down to its simplest form I would say that the protesters are fundamentally upset at the current socioeconomic climate where wealth is disproportionately concentrated in the hands of a few and large corporations have a disproportionate influence in our lives and our politics.

Let me address these issues in turn.

First, as to wealth disparity, its unquestionable that a select few make massive amounts of money. Who fucking cares? I mean seriously. Why should I concern myself with what other people are making? I don't think envy is a legitimate political movement. These people make lots of money. Good for them. Their companies want to overvalue their work product. What are they supposed to do? Not take the huge amounts of money being offered for their services? It's like people who get irrationally upset with the salaries of Professional athletes because some white billionaire decided to give the athlete an inflated contract. That should be between the employer and the employee. The only people who should be upset with CEOs and others making tons of money should be the shareholders.

Mind you, that's assuming that these people are not being paid what they deserve. But I'd argue even that proposition is questionable. Of course some people ran their companies into the ground and secured nice little golden parachutes for themselves. That's called "self interest" and it ain't going to change ever. I fault the Board of Directors who gave those contracts without having them tied to any performance metrics and for not being able to realize that there are only a small amount of truly exceptional managers out there who are worth their multi-million dollar salaries. Again, CEOs are like first round QBs in the NFL draft. Alot of the time you don't know what you're going to get. There will be some major busts in that group. But every good organization needs a good leader so it'll always be an overvalued position and the people in that position will always get paid a lot. Fact of life.

But this is a very long way of getting to my ultimate gripe about this argument. This supposed 99% is insanely presumptuous. I would venture to guess that in the modern economy, a large amount of low-middle to middle class workers spend the majority of their day pounding away at a keyboard while staring at a computer screen. Since the advent of computers, everyone's jobs have gotten insanely easier. And distractions are omnipresent. Ask yourself this: how much would you be willing to pay someone to fill a job where 1/2 of the time you know they're going to spend it fucking around on the Internet? How much would you be willing to subsidize someone going on eBay or Facebook or this site instead of bringing value to your company? It's sad to say it but I just described a huge amount of jobs now a days. Is it shocking that wages for those jobs are stagnate? People think they're entitled to more money because they graduated from college and that is supposed to guarantee you a good job. News flash. A college degree doesn't (and shouldn't) guarantee shit. Most of these jobs don't require a college degree in the slightest. They are perfectly capable of being fulfilled by anyone walking in off the street. So, what should the wage be for a job where the vast majority of employees add no relative value? Your value is in being a warm body and that's something that is alot cheaper to acquire in China and India. To use a sports metaphor, most workers are replacement level players.

The people who should have a legitimate gripe are the hard working people being associated with all these lazy fucks. If I am actually working my ass off but getting grouped in salary wise with all my mindless cubicle-mates, then I got a valid cause for rage. But my anger shouldn't be directed to the boss it should be directed to my fellow workers.

Here's another thing. The people who have these massive salaries often work their asses off. They went to really good schools. Went to really good grad schools. Worked insane hours. And now they are put in very high pressure jobs with tons of responsibility. That's a lot more impressive than cruising to a 2.5 with a Bachelors in Sociology while you partied for four year on your parent's dime. There are far worse fates for those people than having to enter the real world and actually working to earn their living.