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Another Shooting in Gun Happy America

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All these videos are people who use guns to defend houses or businesses. Nothing wrong with that. I have guns in the house.

Now find a video where someone starts shooting people randomly in the street and a citizen walking by takes him down.
All these videos are people who use guns to defend houses or businesses. Nothing wrong with that. I have guns in the house.

Now find a video where someone starts shooting people randomly in the street and a citizen walking by takes him down.

In PA we open carry (no permit needed for that). Just the sight of that makes people move onto an easier target. It is highly likely you will be killed in PA if you attempt to rob someone on the streets...easily over million people carry.




I don't condone how this guy handled the situation but everything turned out alright. Notice how criminals aren't so tough when citizens are armed? You anti-gunners want guns off the streets and if you could have it your way, out of my business and home. If that's not the case, try purchasing a gun in Illinois, DC, or NYC......good luck with that.


Want to know how to get a gun?

Just ask Chris.

The skinny teen attends high school in Chicago and is a talented athlete. But hes also a notorious gunslinger.

As a shooter in a South Side gang, he can get his hands on a gun as quick as you can get a burger at a fast-food restaurant.

I will make a call and say I need a gun. I will ride down the street on my bike and get it five minutes.

The Chicago Sun-Times sat down with Chris for a lesson on how gangs get guns. Armed gangs like Chris have driven up Chicagos murder total 28 percent above the tally at this time last year. And Chris is on the front lines of the shooting.

For your hood, you cant stop [getting] guns because its war season. A gang need any gun it can get, said the teen, who has worked as an informant for police and asked for anonymity. The Sun-Times is identifying him by an alias.

Gun guys

He knows men whose full-time job in the underground economy is to buy guns from suburban stores and illegally sell them to criminals.

Chris calls them the gun guys. The cops have another name for them: straw purchasers.

Gun guys have clean records allowing them to obtain Illinois firearm owners identification cards. With FOID cards, they can legally buy guns at stores in the suburbs.

Then they illegally sell them to gang members banned from owning guns because of their criminal backgrounds.

Most of the guns recovered in crimes in Chicago were bought in suburban gun stores, according to a new University of Chicago Crime Lab study of police gun-trace data.

The police sometimes interview the people who originally bought the guns. Often, police are simply told the guns were stolen from them.

But authorities say most straw purchasers are lying when they say their guns were stolen. Its hard to catch them unless they confess to the crime.

It can be a man or a girl, but its mainly a guy, Chris said of the straw purchasers he knows. Somebody that got a gun license, they buy the gun, scratch off the serial number and sell it to you.

Chris said the big drug dealers in his neighborhood have the cash to pay straw purchasers for guns more than $600 for a decent semiautomatic handgun, a markup from the retail price.

But Chris doesnt sling dope. He doesnt have a job. He doesnt have the money to pay a gun guy.

So he and his crew look elsewhere for guns.

Stealing gats

Their demand for handguns is insatiable because cops seize them or they have to ditch them after they commit crimes with them.

Say one of your guys gets bumped [arrested] with a gun, Chris said. Now your gang need another gun. Its a lot of people who get bumped, a lot of people who get caught. The chances are like 50-50. If I get caught, Im gonna need another gat.

Or you may have people who did a murder and want to get rid of their gun, he said. Now they get another gun and you take theirs.

Chris said one major source of guns in his neighborhood was a ring that burglarized suburban gun stores.

In January, one of those stores, Maxon Shooters Supply & Indoor Range in northwest suburban Des Plaines, was looted of about 200 guns after thieves broke in with a sledgehammer, police said.

Lots of those guns wound up in the hands of gangs on the South Side including people Chris knows.

They sold people the guns and when those people got caught, they snitched, he said.

Police have arrested the suspected thieves, including some members of the Gangster Disciples street gang. But police are continuing to try to track down all the guns, officials said.

Another source of stolen guns is the freights, Chris said.

He was talking about the freight trains parked on easy-to-access rail yards on the South Side.

You bust the lock, he said. Once you get in there, you may get the wrong thing. You may get shoes or something. You feel me? But you keep trying. We tried it before and we know what kind of containers they in. Theyre carrying all type of handguns in crates.

But the revolver Chris most recently acquired came from yet another hot source: a friend who stole the gun from a relative who legally registered the weapon with the city.

The friend lent the revolver to Chris, but he never gave the gun back.

Its a grimy world these days, I wont lie, he said. I told my friend I lost it, but I kept it for myself.

The gun had a serial number on it, so Chris scraped it off with a screwdriver. The cops cant trace the weapon back to the original owner without the serial number, he explained.

I dont want no one to snitch on me, the teenager said.

Hed like a Nine

A revolver isnt the weapon of choice for Chris or his gang buddies.

They prefer nines 9mm semiautomatic handguns but theyre harder to get.

It can hold like 17 shots, he said. A revolver only holds six shots. And I like the grip on a nine. I dont like the revolvers, but thats what Ive mainly been getting. People holding on to their nines.

Chris said his crew members hide their weapons in their homes, but keep them steady moving to different locations to avoid police seizures.

Anyone in the gang can use one of the weapons, Chris said. Five of his crew members also have guns, he said.

The crew needs its weapons about three times a week, he said. Sometimes, its for self-protection.

Sometimes its to go shooting at rivals or drilling, as he puts it.

Other times, the young gangsters simply pose with their guns in homemade rap videos they post on Facebook and YouTube.

Chris credits the Chicago rapper Chief Keef with inspiring him to carry a gun and use it over the past year.

I wasnt doing this before I started watching the videos. The females want to see you be a tough gang-banger, he said.

Unlike the Hollywood caricature of a gangster who points his pistol sideways to fire at his rivals, Chris said he knows how to shoot correctly.

Two hands on the weapon, arms straight out, he said.

In his neighborhood, nobody calls the police when he practices with his gun in his backyard.

What are they going to say, like, I just heard a random shot?

He said he takes the gun with him when he and his friends are venturing into the neighborhoods of rival gangs. He calls his rivals ops for opposition.

If Im going to go over there and kill somebody, if were going to go over there and drill or if were trying to get past the ops to go downtown or the beach, we [have] our guns, he said.

Guns or games?

Chris said he wants to leave gang-banging and concentrate on sports and his dreams of attending junior college.

Often, he escapes his neighborhood to hang out with high school friends who live in places where he wont cross paths with his gang rivals. He and his high school friends shoot hoops instead of guns.

Everybody wants out of this, he said. Everybody would love to live in a mansion, move out of town and live in the suburbs.

But the reality is that retribution is a powerful force that keeps gang members like him from changing their ways.

It motivates Chris to keep hanging out with his crew members in the hood even though cops, ministers and other authority figures have encouraged him to get out of the gangster life.

He notes that four of his friends have been killed in gang shootings.

You want to shoot back, he said. You want to go over there and drill.

Asked whether he would feel bad if he fired at a rival and hit a child, he quickly answered:

I aint gonna think about it. If its his nephew or something, he gotta feel the pain because he put his nephew there. If you a gang-banger, why you have a little kid with you?

Chris said he doesnt think the police will ever rid the streets of guns in Chicago unless legislators make getting caught with a firearm punishable with an extraordinarily harsh sentence, such as life in prison.

He said his first gun-possession arrest, which resulted in probation, was a joke.

He was standing with his crew when police stopped and frisked them and found a gun on Chris.

The arrest taught him how to avoid getting caught with a gun, Chris said.

Now when he goes on the street and needs a gun, a girl carries it for him in her purse.

Chris said hes confident he and his crew will always be one step ahead of the police.

Youll never stop us from getting guns, he said. You feel me?
AAO thinks like a 13 year-old. It's cute.

Listen, if you want to say, "I love guns. Guns are really important to me. The lax state of gun laws in the States obviously leads directly to a lot of unnecessary death and injury but guns are so important that it's worth it." - then that's fine. I mean, it's not fine - it's stupid - but there are no particular logic glitches. It is not dishonest.

But if you want to start making arguments about how the USA's lax gun laws aren't related to the astronomically high rates of gun activity compared to the rest of the developed world - then you are on tilt. You are pathologically arranging flawed arguments to get to the conclusion you want to reach. You have gone goofy in the head.

And yeah, if you are thinking that more guns in the hands of average Americans would somehow bring dangerous situations more under control, you are 13.

I tend to believe that gun violence (or violence of any kind for that matter) is typically attributed to environmental, emotional stimuli rather than "lax" laws. You say that the cultures of Canada and the United States are disparate. However, we're only a law away from erasing gun violence (or bringing it to levels commensurate to Canada's)? Thinking that a law is going to cure the effects of fear, desperation, depression, and other triggers of violence is far more naive than one wanting to have a chance at protecting themselves and their families in the unfortunate event that they are confronted by it vis-a-vis some day.
I laugh at all the chicago shootings as insignificant

but I just found out this morning that a co worker's 15 year old step son was just killed.

I guess more than anything it pisses me off that these gang bangers' deaths get mis used as statistics of real humans and that their deaths, funerals, ect cause problems with the real humans that happen to be connected to them.....

for instance, I may have to work a few extra hours this week due to the wake and funeral of this thug.....

fok me
I laugh at all the chicago shootings as insignificant

but I just found out this morning that a co worker's 15 year old step son was just killed.

I guess more than anything it pisses me off that these gang bangers' deaths get mis used as statistics of real humans and that their deaths, funerals, ect cause problems with the real humans that happen to be connected to them.....

for instance, I may have to work a few extra hours this week due to the wake and funeral of this thug.....

fok me

how so? Don't go?