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Thread where Steves rambles about life

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This looks to be a lot quicker than surveys, Archie!

I'm really glad I keep that gift card around with one dollar on it that I use to rip off Amazon, and Netflix every month. Now I can use it here for the free trials which is where you get the big points, and not have to worry about a thing.

So glad to have a free trial to abcmouse.com even though I don't have any kids!

Yesterday was this, all day and all night but unlike them it didn't end well. I go out for my vape and NO SOUP FOR MAXIPAD.

So strung the fuck out the cashier is quite cute. I try to lay a little game and here's our result;

Max: That tat's pretty cool, what's that all about (show her mine and say it because of KOL - LIKE A 19 YEAR OLD IS GOING TO BE INTO THE BEST MALL MUSIC IN THE WORLD #MATTY
Her: (laughing at me) Which one?
Me: I don't fucking know, what the fuck even.

She's cool too. She just ain't into oldheads is about it.

Then the card machine is down, I have no paper right then so I'm just I need to end this fistfuck of a day (SORRY NOOKIE WE BOTH KNOW THAT NEVER HAPPENED, sorry beautiful :bowdown::hattip:). Your kid is adorables btw and I am deeply happy for you, always. Only love, just been mad stressed trying to make it big and what I said had absolutely nothing to do with you. Nothing.

So today's cool, we got our vape and the crew down there this morning was very cool.
So, yesterday was a little off but today was 100% on point.

Not only did I go on a complete recruiting tear but I also had another development that will grow to be more and more significant as time goes on, I am keeping that on the down low for now, until it gets good.

I could seriously be a millionaire or close in a year's time. From the poor house to the penthouse we go, ladies and gents.

I love you all and I truly appreciate your support over the years. Without your patience and forgiveness none of this would be happening. Even if it's just a side remark, you're all always on point and that's the kind of e-family I need in my e-life (no disrespect to anyone else, at all).

Gamelive dot com.

Because my crew is dope, and posting is SERIOUS business.

I am taking out the garbage and a couple hotties walk by and one says to the other "he is (in a low voice) so hot". The other one giggles. Honestly I am an oldhead but I do think that was pretty legit.

If it is my vibe is this - don't ever be scared, beautifuls. I only act tough to scare off the punk asses and that never ever has anything to do with you at all.

If that's what you want then let's party and throw everything around. No scrubs allowed at this VIP party, you being more important than me, of course. I will play you silly songs and you can softly giggle yourselves to sleep or whatever else we feel like doing.

Give me something to remember this town besides scrubs protecting their right to play Brad Pitt's role in True Romance. I mean come on, no one gives a fuck really. You're not serious, lol.

Anyway, if I heard correctly?

That's the spice that makes it nice, straight to the heart - and that is uplifting.
Funny how life works.

After feeling like the man because of how my life is changing in so many ways, I walk up to the grocery store and BAM there's the only girl in the area I actually gave my phone number to, smoking a ciggie despite how many of them I have fucked with. I really do like her because of why I said - when I was in there during my poker days and the alcohol and worry about my Mother was destroying me, giving me anxiety attack after anxiety attack she just would not let my eyes go. I kept trying to look away because no one sees me like that, and she just would not let it happen - and it really was so beautiful and warm.but she didn't text me so I think many dudes would be like well then fuck her but not me at all. I don't need anything from her and I would never want to intrude on her in any way. Even if she was never really interested she just wouldn't let me go and be ruined for that 30 seconds that day and whether or not I ever see her again I thank her for that warmth. So from me it was at first glancing up, seeing her them being like "oh shit, rejection - I'm not used to losing" and looking away real quick, then gathering myself and confidently saying to her "hey how are you". She gave me a very cool "hey". I didn't stop or anything (like I said never intrusive) because I didn't know how that would hit her. So I guess I just looked a little confused dealing with rejection looking away. This one brother I caught a glimpse seeing it and I almost always look like I have the world beat, so I saw him smirk a little bit, and that's cool - like "awe shit, THAT's what gets to him", and it's cool because I know he's a brother in arms. I just can't play them, I can't be mean at all ever and every time one of them looks into my eyes deeply it's like they can see my soul. It's almost like a code has been passed around town "close the conversation with a deep look into his eyes and watch it fuck him up". And it's funny I guess even to me. I spend so much time selling myself for my jobs and blowing smoke to confuse douchebags that sometimes I don't even know who the real me is (but of course I do). But I guess when they do that, I'm caught. There's no getting out of it. Can't think of any cheesy lines. Like a deer in headlights.

And to be honest, it's kind of hot. Like "hey buddy - you have no chance - but why don't you go home and rub one off to what I'd look like on top of you staring at you exactly like this.

So fine then.

I will.
Wawa girls were FUCKING hot last night. I mean oh my goodness. They were I think just being friendly but I said something that could have been taken some kind of way and she had a very pretty slightly possibly naughty giggle as a reaction and her friend was equally ridiculous.

Yeah I don't know. I'm just not seeing why that scene can't just be delightful if it's real. If it is real I have absolutely chance if whatever they decide should happen to me happening.

Wouldn't knocking some young hottie up right before I leave town just be classic eggs though?

And that's very cool that they even see me as anything cool at all whether sexual or not. And so, Maxipad is feeling very sentimental actually about this little town. Sure I tangled with some people and I was usually right but there is so much beauty and greatness right here. The homies are cool as fuck, the women and girls are incredible, and the working class gents are on the level as well. All of the cool people 100% embraced me and I deeply appreciate that. When I came out here I was completely a mess. Like, bad. Sure on the poker and winning, but doing it like Stu Unger did and he did die young - and it wasn't pretty. Obviously I didn't hit one iota as big as him or anything like that, just making my hourly and whereas for him it was alcohol and drugs for me it was non stop alcohol and blotto every day I played then at the end throwing up constantly for two. Missing the train back here so many times, wandering the streets of Philly just to kill 5 hours. Getting chucked from my favorite casino because I couldn't walk. Not losing but giving my money away to people for protection, and of course there's always the low life takes waiting for spots like that. Everyone looked out for me as my room was filled up with beer cans and I'd roll over into a pile of them. The bartender giving me a full glass when I ordered two shots because she could tell that that was what I needed. And as I've said it was attempting to escape the pain of my parents getting older, and older. They almost never even show up for family functions anymore because my Mother never feels like leaving the house, and it breaks my heart. into tiny pieces that just cannot be picked up. And so I ask myself, does this pain change me. The way I go at poker, the way I always went at volleyball, the way I go at any job is as hard as I can do because I refuse to let anything get in the way. Anyone, anything. I figure out a way to beat it. Of course in volleyball you run into the REAL pros and learn that it's cool that you can score maybe 8 points off them but yeah - you weren't raised on Manhattan Beach and you ain't gonna be playing for cash. Music - sure it'd be cool to be pro. But yeah, I haven't written an original and I have no top shelf yet. When I was in Philly I was so druk all the time that I was convinced I was Bono or something. Uh yeah, no. So with music everyone was cool and supportive there and WC and that is so deeply cool.

So I isolate to what is my actual skill set. What I'm doing now as far as work and I do think big time in poker is not a deilusion of grandeur because no matter what level I play, I keep winning.

And so I thank my fans here very much for helping me find myself. Sometimes pain will do that and just about everyone (save for the takers, but they faded) has been beyond respectful.l I mean seriously even the police started giving me rides home if I was too drunk instead of taking me in. I've never run into anything that cool either.

And so I am just so thankful but agreements that cannot be broken have been made that just cannot be broken. It just hurts my heart so deeply to go, but I just don't have a choice. I have to see if I have what it takes to be World Champion level. People in places insinuated that they felt that I did and I cannot figure out aside from being an emotional rollercoaster why not. That rollercoaster can make you tilt but I'm trained too thoroughly to tilt, but at the same time if the angling is harsh enough I've been known to get annoyed, then psychotic so as to make the idiot angler(s) fade very quickly. My long time coach told me you just have to grin and bear it when that happens and that's difficult for me to accept. The same way I left because I don't want to take some woman's money that is just stopping by after her convention to have some fun, if some racist old farting up the table trashbag is trying to mentally rip on me with his other social security friends, I've always been the first one to make them wonder if they're going to make it home if they keep it up. I guess you have to grin and bear it and I think that's nonsense that exists in that community to be honest.

Anyway, so much love to this little place. I appreciate you more than you know. Thank you so much for supporting me in the never ending battle of fighting my demons and finding me find my way. If you ever need anything at all, let me know.

Can someone give me the skimnotes about what’s going on in this thread?


Maxipad has been around the block a bit and a few bits more than prior mentioned bit - no death (except I think 173 might be gone for good - that fucking pussy) - no death, no jail - somewhat of a developing story, I guess - lol (smh). I mean it really is real and fake as brother Beck put it being completely fucking insane. Com fucking pletely. My God.

On a side note for anyone looking for a decent vape dirt cheap the dude in 711 sold me his last two My Blu starter kits for a buck apiece this morning, he might have just been clearing his shelf amd being a cool fuck but that is a super dope deal so you might wanna check that out.

Anyway what's more important is I was looking at my chest and triceps this morning and smiling at how beastly my I look (for me) and then I thought to myself hey man - Casper has you SMOKED in the workout department. SMOKED. Looks like he's got a good thread heading the forum. So Ima check that piece out and I'll catch y'all up when the story is presentable and not still developing.

What the fuck is Casp up to anyway? It's always good.