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Thread where Steves rambles about life

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No let's change that one up. You stay on the phone "what do you mean I can't have the operation. I KNOW I'm a woman!", slam water bottle down then you say "well if I HAVE TO be a man then I'm gonna be THE. FUCKING MAN!" Then you say "oh, sorry. Jesus." burst out laughing and walk away.
So, believe it or not - Steve has kicked the sauce. Gonzo. None. Maybe a little social drinking, but no more solo drinking, though I respect those who can control themselves in that facet. I can't. There was a little detox, not that bad though. I feel great and my energy is through the roof. Workouts early in the morning before work. Today's workout - 32/32/37 pushups, one arm bench presses with each arm, bent over rows. calf raises, 32/32/52 pushups. Pretty happy to meet Barnes and Nobles today. I had been in there before but I didn't know that you can just sit in there for however long you want, read and chill. I was reading Singing for Dummies. I'm pretty sure I'm a bass dramatic technically speaking but I'm not positive. I can dig that B&N scene.

Cleaned my room. Yes, it's true.

Working on a few new songs in this age of sober enlightenment, and excited about them

Jamming out to Tronner's suggested The The album as I prep for work 6 hours in advance because I'm nuckin futs. But ya know? When I started mortgages back in SC about 15 years ago, they slammed a listing of people that bought properties that maybe 14 people before me had called and said in not so many words "get leads and get out". No one at this job expects anything like that at all but what I have learned in sales is this - when you're new you'd better work as hard and as fast as you fucking can because you don't know what's around the bend.

That just reminded me a GENIUS Incubus song.

I had the riff to that as my ringtone for awhile and got compliments on that from some real cool motherfuckers. Let's go ahead and get that back up and running.

It just came back to me when I woke up that this guy the other night pissed me off at a bar so when he ordered a drink and she served it to him I grabbed it and slammed it real quick :lmao: and BAM a 30 day ban. The bouncer was like what the fuck even happened? An dI couldn't stop laughing. MY BAD THANK YOU FOR NOT PERMABANNING ME - MY BAD. That does suck because they love me over there.

Blitty would be proud.
Instead we got some protein bars, some shredded chicken, some eggs, some bacon, some bagels, an ox, some asbestos and a crowbar. You have to make sure you have iron incorporated into your diet as well.

This after pushups 32/32/42, squats w/ calf raises, tricep extensions, bicep curls, one legged squats w/ calf raises and pushups 32/32/62. This is what bass dramatics do.

Had a cool shortie take her cig break with me tonight, she's totally taken but a very cool friend to have around. Anyone got beef w/ you I got your back short stuff.

We got work hard all week, looking forward to tomorrow night's jam. The lead has an extra electric for me to play since it looks like I was mislead into buying a guitar with a busted pickup and yes I'll squeeze that guy a little for that shit but it's still one fuck of a deal for $60, so I won't squeeze too hard.

Anyone reading this if you don't play HQ trivia, you should be. It's 100% free of charge, like a 5 minute game, funny as fuck and for REAL money. Last night they gave away $200k. I busted out early so I ran through my wall then through 3 vehicles but stopped and showed them mentos so everything except the wall is ok.

So then
I had no idea that if you do two billion surveys while you recruit and all night because you're completely fucking insane and you only need like 2 hours sleep a night, they will immediately ship all those quarters to your paypal. So while you're waiting for recruiting commish (which will be BOMB) to kick in, you can survive on surveys. Then, since they now have legal online poker sites in the US that take paypal, you can diversify into your REAL specialty - poker.

So, Max Headroom is a ticking fucking economic timebomb.

Like my boy Mac one said

FUCK a day job.

You can take your suit, your suitcases, your ties, your offices, your khackis, your commutes, waiting for traffic lights, public transport - all of it

And you can shove them STRAIGHT up your asses.

I mean that with all due respect, of course.
Taking the day off working out today, the pushups before and after at 4 and 5 in the morning are paying off and the calves are starting to get poppin, but the body is due for either cardio or a rest. The Y is too far away so it's rest.

Still need to lose like 20 pounds. Grr.

You cardio people - I respect you, I really do. :bowdown:
I had no idea that if you do two billion surveys while you recruit and all night because you're completely fucking insane and you only need like 2 hours sleep a night, they will immediately ship all those quarters to your paypal. So while you're waiting for recruiting commish (which will be BOMB) to kick in, you can survive on surveys. Then, since they now have legal online poker sites in the US that take paypal, you can diversify into your REAL specialty - poker.

So, Max Headroom is a ticking fucking economic timebomb.

Like my boy Mac one said

FUCK a day job.

You can take your suit, your suitcases, your ties, your offices, your khackis, your commutes, waiting for traffic lights, public transport - all of it

And you can shove them STRAIGHT up your asses.

I mean that with all due respect, of course.

nice work on cooling it on the booze

which survey site do you use? a few years back I made some decent gambling $ on instagc

wife's friend makes a ton of $ on them

I don't have the patience for answering all the questions
Thank you very much Archie. I can't but also completely can believe my energy. Dude, I'm a freak - fall asleep maybe 10 wake up at 2, pound tea, work out and get to work/guitar, whatever.

I use surveyjunkie.com. Commish will kick in soon but I'm still in a tight spot before that and so I don't like paying out of pocket for my vape addiction (blue cherry crush). This accomplishes that. All the other sites seemed to either not be that legit, not have enough surveys quick enough, need you to crank it up too high to cash out or want you to use their browser - and nothing's getting me away from Chrome man. I agree it takes a ton of patience and if you don't do it right you won't get to work for that survey company anymore. If I were in your economic position as opposed to mine (for now) I'm sure as cool as they are I'd probably be out doing other things as well. It's cool though - cashout is instant to paypal then you buy shit with your paypal card, hit the ATM or whatever. Such a grind though. If you want to try to flip that with online poker you can at Globalpoker. I'd be curious what other sites your friend uses, sometimes (usually late at night) Surveyjunkie can be very sporatic with what surveys are offerend and I really can't mess with it while I'm working.

Good look on Instagc, just googled it - gonna check that out man. :hattip: