Yes, the decade ended a year ago.
Obama is black. Look at him.
I don't know if you are intentionally typing Boston Red Socks as some kind of joke/insult but, for the record, they are the Boston Red Sox.
As to the greater question of if we are living in the most interesting time in history, I believe we are, although I don't know that I would cite any of the reasons listed in post #1 as part of my justification. That is a very America-centric list. There is a whole world out there. Things are happening with medicine and DNA research that could drastically change how humans look and how long we live. Between that and the continuing development of technologies, the very nature of what it is to be human is on the precipice of dramatic change. The one thing I can guarantee is that the next decade will surpass this one as most interesting. Then the decade after that. These are fascinating times we are living through.
Natural disasters and terrorism are not new things that just popped up in the last 10 years (although, no doubt, the CNN coverage has been really something) .
When I look at the points specifically about sports, it seems like a pretty weak batch of highlights actually. I don't think we are living in the most interesting times sports-wise. But otherwise, yes.