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the truth about casper waits and caligirl - Casper, go to hell.

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winning? oh darling you are just as confused as charlie sheen. in fact you're like Game live's very on charlie sheen! oooh thats kinda cool actually, i'm still a fan of The Sheen. Not a fan of Casper though.

and yes you are needy. and so far everything everyone else is saying is true and valid and correct. you're the one who is still grasping at strings to make your point.

Like I said, deny what you want. I know and you know the truth. It is sad that you feel you have to omit certain things to make you "cool" on a website. Enjoy Cali. Keep taping them conversations and texts..lol.
you can't tape a text. i didnt post any texts. ur so weird.
i thought the voicemail thing was funny and i was going to post it right away, but then i thought "no that would be mean". but now, i'm fed up.
you are crazy. i mean really, you're nutty.
and you say i'm the one omitting things? hi pot! i'm kettle! though I'm one of those shiny silver William Sonoma pots, and you're just a lowly black kettle.
you are sooooo weird. and yeah you're right I wasn't attracted to you. so be it. shit happens man. not everyone thinks's i'm good looking, it doesn't make me go crazy on them by any means.
let it roll of your back. thats what you should have done with me from square one. let me roll.

ok i was sober early, but this post has a few drinks fueling it.
Cali, thank you for the expose. I think everyone understands your side of the story pretty well now.

Casper, from your posts in this thread and others, I think everyone understands yours, too.

How people want to perceive you two or who is in the right and wrong is up to them. But I don't think any more discussion on this topic is necessary. It is pretty damn clear where everyone stands.

1. CaliGirl feels like Casper went way too far, was/is being needy clingy, and needs to lay off.
2. Casper feels he didn't do anything wrong, didn't go too far, and hasnt started anything on GL, has only defended himself to other things started.
3. CaliGirl wants nothing to do with Casper from this point forward, and wants him to leave her alone.

Cool. So let's give you both the benefit of the doubt. Neither of you are attention whores. You both just wanted your sides of the story to be heard, and were sick of the other side's falsities. Great. They have been heard.

CaliGirl - This was an excellent final thread to this saga. You put everything out on the table. From this point on, no need to discuss anymore. Posters may rib you about it from time to time, but whatever. It is in the past and you got your story out. So no more Casper talk.

Casper - I get that you've just been trying to defend yourself the whole time and don't feel like you've started any threads/topics on the matter. Started, perhaps not, but you certainly haven't done anything but fuel the fire when it has been started by someone else. Cali has said everything she has to say, and you've responded to everything. So drop it now, and leave her alone. If you feel like you can't avoid it/can't deal with shit on GameLive, than leave like you originally planned. If someone, including Cali, says something about this saga, just fucking ignore it.

So... can we move on now? I'd like to move on to another chapter. This one was fun, but it is over now. Please?
i respectfully disagree david.

i think the only righteous end to this conflict can come through fighting it out to the bitter end, exposing any and all voicemails, "taped text messages," emails and any other records of correspondence between caligirl and casper (both pertinent to the topic at hand and otherwise).

if this thing is not allowed to continue until it reaches its natural death, it will always be in the back of everyone's mind; we all know how unhealthy it is to keep emotions bottled up, and i see no clear benefit to "moving on to the next chapter."

unless of course that next chapter is the next girl that casper brings to gamelive. i am a strong proponent of casper bringing another girl into the mix here in order to get a fresh perspective on this thing and i think it will do a world of good for casper's mental health. i am also secretly hoping that the next girl lives in toronto, for reasons that should be fairly obvious but nonetheless i will not explicitly disclose.
you can't tape a text. i didnt post any texts. ur so weird.
i thought the voicemail thing was funny and i was going to post it right away, but then i thought "no that would be mean". but now, i'm fed up.
you are crazy. i mean really, you're nutty.
and you say i'm the one omitting things? hi pot! i'm kettle! though I'm one of those shiny silver William Sonoma pots, and you're just a lowly black kettle.
you are sooooo weird. and yeah you're right I wasn't attracted to you. so be it. shit happens man. not everyone thinks's i'm good looking, it doesn't make me go crazy on them by any means.
let it roll of your back. thats what you should have done with me from square one. let me roll.

ok i was sober early, but this post has a few drinks fueling it.

That's racist.

I dunno. God knows I love a good train wreck as much as the next guy, and goddam if Casper isn't good for some of the the best train wrecks around. I like that about him.

But this all seems a bit unnecessary to me. Unless the guy is becoming threatening or anything like that, let him ride out his awkward way of handling heartbreak (regardless of it being warranted or not) and maybe not try to slam a guy while he's down?

Meh...comes off a little mean-spirited to me. Maybe Caspy has done more than just be needy and annoying that I don't know about that would warrant this type of venom.
I think it's pretty obvious that Cali said some things in the earliest stages of their relationship that upon further reflection she wished she didn't say. Some of those things were sexual, and some of those things implied that maybe there might be some future. However a few days into it, and apparently after seeing Casper on Skype she realized that she did not want to go down that path anymore but didn't know how to back away, especially since she enjoys her time on here. I'm positive it is these sexual things that she said to him in the earliest days that Capser is referring to when he says that he has 'his side'. But she can't be held accountable for what she said in the first days of meeting him, especially after quickly realizing she didn't want to go further. I believe Casper kept clinging onto whatever she said to him in these first few days and never was able to let them go. Which ultimately led to the vicious cycle that followed. I think now though, it's reached a point where Cali has said her piece and needs to move on (though hopefully stay amongst us) and Casper needs to stop saying he's moved on and actually do so.

Just my view from the end of the bench!
why thank you doctor


I viewed that video by Casper. It was clearly made up, people like Casper don't kill themselves.

I believe he really liked Kendall. I believe he was jealous of Blitty. Blitty is a good looking guy and personable. Would I introduce him to a girl I was trying to get with, no, duh, #winner.