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the truth about casper waits and caligirl - Casper, go to hell.

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So she sort of led you on momentarily? I lead chicks on all the time. Sometimes, I'll only give 'em the tip. "That's all for you."

You have to leave them wanting more. That's the art of seduction - even if you wanna discard 'em.

I am fine with how it ended. I am..lol. She likes attention. I have been posting on here the last week and not talking about her at all. She goes into my threads and makes some random remark. Look it up..lol. It wasn't me doing anything.
Thanks for the cliffs notes fellas...

My thoughts.......

Kendell is a very cool name

Women HATE needy guys. Let me say that again, WOMEN HATE NEEDY GUYS. If they even get a whiff that you're acting needy, you're dead in the water. Lose that quality fast Casper and it will be the most +EV move you ever make in reference to women.

Women are very fickle. They can be all into your shit one day and next thing you know it goes from "Hey you" to "Hey there" (I'm not necessarily saying that is the case here but I'm just putting it out there). That's why I have no remorse for the hearts I've broken.

Daft, I wasn't being needy. I just wasn't. Another thing....why is she making videos and using our conversations as video fodder? She never asked me for permission. Isn't that weird?
yeah good point. the voicemail was totally warranted and not at all abnormal.

Fisch, we had been texting back and forth and I felt that it would be easier to clarify and say what I wanted to say then to continue texting. It wasn't a mean message AT ALL. It was unclear because of the reception, but I was being super nice.
yes, Monkey's right. I'd like to know what made you lose interest originally, specifically the skype part. Was it just that he came on too strong? I know girls just wanna have fun :dunno:
Seems like Casper is obsessed with one girl or another. We need to get to the bottom of this.
yes, Monkey's right. I'd like to know what made you lose interest originally, specifically the skype part. Was it just that he came on too strong? I know girls just wanna have fun :dunno:
Seems like Casper is obsessed with one girl or another. We need to get to the bottom of this.

She didn't like how I looked, plain and simple. No question. I didn't come on strong at all. the thing is I don't mind that she lost interest. The thing that gets me is her facts on how it all went down are not the whole truth. If she wants to continue to post half truths, so be it.
Casper, it's painfully obvious you were being needy. Brush yourself off and move on. We have all made mistakes in our lives with chicks (well, maybe not all of us. it seems like we have some male posters on here who've have had it all figured out since day 1).

Casper if you don't see that you were being needy than you need to take a really close look at the last 4-6 weeks of your life and all of this drama. Move on.

And CaliGrl, who have gone into a few of his threads and done some needling. I think you would agree. You probably should cut that out.
so you have 2 choices....

fight back (if you can)

let this happen

Kato, I did not save voice mails or texts. I am not that sentimental..lol. I don't need to prove myself. Honestly, I know the truth. I also know I am holding some things back. If Cali wants to continue, that is up to her. I am going to back off this thing. She wants to start a war, she can have one with herself.
Casper, it's painfully obvious you were being needy. Brush yourself off and move on. We have all made mistakes in our lives with chicks (well, maybe not all of us. it seems like we have some male posters on here who've have had it all figured out since day 1).

Casper if you don't see that you were being needy than you need to take a really close look at the last 4-6 weeks of your life and all of this drama. Move on.

And CaliGrl, who have gone into a few of his threads and done some needling. I think you would agree. You probably should cut that out.

Daft, call me needy. Fine. if you think for one second what she is saying or posting is the whole story, than I don't know what to tell you. Once again, I know the truth.

winning? oh darling you are just as confused as charlie sheen. in fact you're like Game live's very on charlie sheen! oooh thats kinda cool actually, i'm still a fan of The Sheen. Not a fan of Casper though.

and yes you are needy. and so far everything everyone else is saying is true and valid and correct. you're the one who is still grasping at strings to make your point.