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So I have this music project I've been working on

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Its time to shit or get off the pot kip.

There are some very nice compliments up above by the way, Teela, Bread, Archie. Thank you very much. I'm actually a little freaked out right now at the idea of anybody hearing any of this. More than I would have guessed. Fears and dread. Forgetting my manners.

But there is no question I am moving forward so if anyone is willing to volunteer to listen to a song, then I guess let me know.

I should probably explain exactly what I am hoping for with that. Ugh, but not right at this second. Tomorrow then.
I volunteer

Thanks. Lemme just expand a bit on what exactly I was asking for re volunteers, just to be clear.

What I am asking is not exactly just, "Hey wanna hear a song?" What I am asking for is a tiny bit more like work than that.

Nothing crazy but I would hope for someone who would listen to a song at least a couple or three times and get a bit familiar with it. Then offer any basic feedback. Are the vocals/bass/whatever too loud/soft? Do you find the tempo too draggy/rushed? Stuff like that.

I will listen to anything anyone has to say but if you start talking about really major stuff - like maybe it's a rock song and you want to bring in some banjos and fiddle and switch it to bluegrass, I'll prolly just say thanks but we disagree.

But if I do act on any feedback and make any changes, hopefully a volunteer can listen to the new version and give an opinion if it sounds better.

That's the basic idea.

Definitely doesn't have to be a 12 song commitment. Any help is appreciated.

No one should feel obligated. If you don't want to bother with that stuff but do want to hear the finished product then you definitely shall with my gratitude for your interest.
I listened to the Devil about 3 times this aftetnoon I like it..there's just something I feel is missing or wrong imho. I can't quite put my finger on it though. Will keep thinking. It's more on the lyrical side than the music. I like the music.
Muddy, I am no music expert, but I know what I like, and I like a wide verity of music. I like your tunes that I have listened to on youtube, and I would imagine that your project, your actual record, sounds much much different, dare I say better. I can't guarantee that I can offer exact or precise, or professional advise on it, but I would be more then willing to listen, and give you my honest opinion. Good or bad.
Muddy, I like this one:

I've listened to this song a few times now. It sounds like a cross between The Eagles Peaceful Easy Feeling and some Neil Young. I don't know enough about lyrics to comment on them, I listen more on the music end than the message. I think the song needs a little more of a break after the verses. It seems like it runs on even though it's a 4 minute song. If you listen to Peaceful Easy Feeling, the breaks are there and I think that helps define the message more (if this makes sense). I'm sure it's harder to do by yourself vs being in a band.
I think I know where I'm going with The Devil thing but it would help if you could post the lyrics. I can't make them out well enough to know if what I am thinking would even work.

Also, if you had to classify the work, or at least this song, or put in some sort of genre, what would it be? Who is your target audience?

In fact posting the lyrics for all the songs might be helpful. It's difficult for me at least to separate the tune from the lyrics, and if I struggle to hear the lyrics, it is frustrating and I will dismiss outright. I know you are aware of this, and can work it out with whatever kinds of machines and techniques you musician types use, but if you could post the lyrics along with the video, it would be helpful to some of us in our critiquing...I know that Cami mentioned something to this effect also.

If you are looking more for just critique of the tune, or are worried about Copyrights or something, I understand not wanting to do that.
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