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So I have this music project I've been working on

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Here's the thing though if I may ramble for a moment: I listen to my CD somewhat regularly. Once a month say. And I think it is excellent. Not even joking.

It is my favorite album of all time bar none. It's like it was made for me. It could not fit my tastes better.

But dammit, what was I thinking with all the echo on the vocal tracks? It's just weird. Why didn't I just go with something cleaner? Why didn't someone tell me?

I don't know.

It would be a pretty simple fix - I could probably do it in a day. I wouldn't have to re-sing the vocals, just transfer to a track with different settings in each case. But then I'd have to remaster. That would be about $800 as I recall. Is it worth it? It wouldn't make a difference to really anyone in the world. It would just be about my once a month listen. Is it worth it?

Actually I think so.
Well it's decided. My next project is a novel (which will be easily adaptable to screenplay - in fact it may be immediately followed by a screenplay) with the working title The Collection. It is in the category of humor, although with some serious social observation and commentary. Not full-on satire though. Humor.

It will be done with much more awareness of commercial viability than the music project.

Detailed notes are being amassed at a brisk pace.

It has begun.
Sasha. I have a little girl character who I was calling Suzie, but I was not loving that name. Then it came to me. Sasha.

Got the idea from the movie Spotlight. Rachel McAdams character is Sasha. Sasha Pfeiffer in fact. What a great name.

Anyway, I have gleeped the first name for my little girl - who is extremely important to the story - and I feel much better.
So here's a question: is there a kind of brain injury that would also lead to impotence? Like maybe you became a bit dumber - slower of thought process - but also the dingus stops working completely.

Ever hear of something like that?

of course it could happen. I don't think i've heard of a term.....


its the brain. if something goes funky with the brain, then anything else in the body could go funky....

its a pretty complex system, and the brain is the deluxe complicated control panel making it all light up
I know. It's not the kind of thing where I have to have some verifiable case history to point to. But I was curious if anyone had ever heard of anything.

Bottom line: I have a character who I need to be completely non-sexual in the aftermath of a significant trauma (probably a car crash.) If I say whatever I say with enough confidence ---> people gonna accept it.

I'm supposed to be the writer. I just have to write something.
Psychologically, that could absolutely happen. I've heard of this happening (with a couple of friends), but not due to a brain injury (although I'm sure that it's happened). It's usually due to some kind of emotional trauma.