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so, i got arrested tonight

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I see what you're doing there and I like it.

I sometimes wonder why there are some very smart people on here spending lots of their spare time burying a girl in her mid 20's on a forum.

well I can only speak for me....

Cali once said something pretty close to the effect of "guys don't approach me that much out at clubs they are intimidated by me"

well. that was a low blow to my self esteem. I am the low self esteem loser in HS/College kinda guy that has never had the confidence to approach a woman. So when Cali said that, it seemed TOO arrogant and typical of all slutty bitchy hooker stripper types..... the types that deserve to be prank phone called... ya know????

boy I'd love to approach them.... but I can't... deep down I think they are too good for me and I'm intimidated.

so it makes me want them...but also hate them. I mean some of them are real tall and I'm not so big and have a small dingaling...

anywho. when Cali said that thing about guys being intimidated. It set something off inside me. made me wanna cut her down and call her names everyday. truth be told I sometimes jack off to her pics while thinking of strangling her on my tip toes...

that's just me though....but everyday I look in the mirror and do my Archie Affirmations and I feel better bout myself bit by bit....
thank you for paraphrasing. i never meant to offend you. and i never blamed it on intimidation solely or on me solely. i did say that im usually out with a group of girls and THAT is intimidating, not my hottness, i was saying a group of a bunch of girls. jesus archie take a chill pill kid. you're married, you don't need to worry about this stuff. i'm lonely and single. seems like you're pretty well off to me kid.
At the risk of me looking really stupid (wouldn't be the first time), I'm pretty sure Archies post went way over your head Cali.

Allow me to elaborate.

It seemed to have been a calm strike.

And one that was not directed at you.

With that said, I'm not on the "inside" (don't have Facebook yada yada) so I could easily be wrong.
thank you for paraphrasing. i never meant to offend you. and i never blamed it on intimidation solely or on me solely. i did say that im usually out with a group of girls and THAT is intimidating, not my hottness, i was saying a group of a bunch of girls. jesus archie take a chill pill kid. you're married, you don't need to worry about this stuff. i'm lonely and single. seems like you're pretty well off to me kid.

Archie has it all figured out obviously.

Thanks, Archie. I couldn't have created a better example (by complete accident) of why it's done myself.
