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so, i got arrested tonight

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oh and blitty... according to you lies you tapped my so called meaty vagina. so do you now retract those statements?

i never hooked up with fiver. i was in toronto to visit and hook up with my friend Tony. duh guys, you knew this, i posted about this.

It's been proven over and over again that I never made those statements. But nice try.

Sorry you're not fivers type.
I'm really not sure what you are talking about.

Has anyone else not noticed me posting here every day?

I did, but really didn't give a fuck.

Sue me.

Seriously, Cali, Blitty was first referencing a Fivey post, not you. Then Archie was taking shots at Monkey not you. It was his tongue in cheek way of saying thats what he thinks is Monkeys rationalization.

Cali is not a counterfeit blonde.
im not talkin about on gamelive

Please don't act like I've abandoned you or something outside of here. I've never ignored a text in my life. (and I know I've said THAT to you before as well)

Yesterday you posted something kinda dumb on my FB, which I made a joke about but not in a mean way. It escalated after you told everybody to "chill the fuck out"....which I thought was ironic coming from the girl who started a thread here asking GL people to keep it classy on YOUR Facebook....

For what it's worth, I don't care at all about keeping it classy on my page. Some people don't want that weird or inappropriate shit on theirs. I say please bring it to mine. I aim to offend in fact.

So that didn't bother me, but when I came here and made another pretty tepid joke about going gay bashing then you responded in a condescending manner AGAIN. And I let that go as well.

But you say I don't "take shit" from people well. Ok. Carry on with your pity party about all the shit you are taking tonight.
you ever been to newfoundland Plommer?

in particular I hear that Dildo is very lovely there this time of year....

also I'd like to get to spread eagle and finally Climax, Saskachewan

Archer, I have never been to Newfoundland but it is on my bucket list.

There are some funny/cool names of places up here thats for sure.

I've been to Moose Jaw & Medicine Hat in the same day!

so does that mean you don't want to hang out when you come visit hoboken?
Cali, you're such a typical fukkin broad pal.

Jello's explanation was crystal clear. No doublespeak.