First of all, yes they ARE feeding women different things these days, and it has been scientifically shown and documented that girls today enter puberty much earlier than they used to. There's a lot of stuff about this on the net, it's well known, in particular there are a lot of feminizing hormones in breakfast cereal if I recall correctly. Search for the info if you want.
It is also not equally distributed across all races as well. Little Niglettes enter puberty earlier than any other race.
And also, women have been friggin themselves and cumming and juicing up at the age of 13 and earlier for a long time, it's just something we aren't comfortable dealing with. But now with all the "rap" music and "rock 'n roll" music, people feel a bit more comfortable and accepting of young female sexuality. At least displays and acknowledgements of it.
Look, ask Teela, ask Robyn. When did they start fingering themselves and becoming juicy and cumming and thinking about anal play and all of that? I bet you they will say 13, 12! There are some women who never fully develop into healthy sexual beings, but for those that do, such as Robyn and Teela, they were cumming and juicing at 13, easily.
So the next time you see a 13-year old with "newly budded breasts" and braces and that look of wide-eyed awkward eager confusion about maturity, know that yeah she is very likely going to be furiously frigging herself that night, or maybe just had been a half hour before.