Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I remember this really old guy approaching me on a ferry boat many years ago. I believe we were going from Cape May, NJ to Chincoteague Virginia, and this guy was as decrepit as a guy can be without being dead.

But still he makes his way over to me and sez, "Are you prepared for eternity."

So you get the flavor. He was doing missionary work, spreading the word of his little version of god and whatnot. Whatever.

The part of the discussion I am specifically remembering was when he expressed his contempt for evolution by saying, "Apes. Pft."

This was a guy that clearly considered himself vastly superior to apes.

I didn't bother engaging the guy a whole lot. Even if he wasn't at death's door and probably scared shitless, people like that can't hear reason.

I'll say this though: man, could I ever see a lot of ape in him. I mean, I see ape in pretty much everybody. I do not need a detailed explanation of DNA to be convinced of evolution. It could not be more obvious to me. Just look at one then the other. Same deal.

But that guy had some extra ape.

I don't what his problem was with apes. Apes are a hell of a lot cooler than he ever was.