Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Matty I know this will make me sound like an inconsiderate prick, but how does the clocking out thing work. I used to work at a job where we had a clock, but the hours were "flexible" and it was small enough that there was never a LINE to clock out. Why would you guys line up to clock out? If you have a specific shift schedualed on a whistle what's the point of clocking out when they know you're leaving at the whistle?
I don't know FF. Guys wanted their card to look clean - 8am clock in, 4pm clock out. We were paid exactly 8 hours no matter what.

I bet there was/is some OCD involved. Never worked with a time clock after that. I was 18 back then and gave even less of a fuck than I do today. I'm a terrible employee.
That is not the normal situation in my experience. Everywhere I have worked with time clocks - and there have been quite a few - you can't clock out before whatever time. Like if you were working until 4:00 and you punched out at 3:59, you would lose 15 minutes pay and it could also become a disciplinary thing if it kept happening, no different than chronic lateness.

So you end up with people lining up at the end of every shift waiting for the clock to move. I have worked at some pretty big places with some pretty big lines.

Same with punching in. If you punched in at 8:01, you would not get paid until 8:15 (so of course you would wait until 8:15 to punch in, but anyway that's the concept.)

And no, if you punched in at 8:01, you can not just work until 4:01 to even it out and get the full 8 hours. You'd have to stay until 4:15.

Now sometimes if it's your direct boss approving the hours and you're on good terms then you can be more casual/flexible but sometimes it is just mindless bureaucracy.

The idea of people worrying about their card looking clean when it makes no difference to your pay - that doesn't sound like anyone I have ever worked with.
My informal observation is the clock system works against what it is trying to achieve. In places where I have worked where people are on the honor system, they are much more likely to just start working whenever they wander in, even if it is a bit early. They are more likely to hang around a few minutes late without thinking about it - or at least not leave until it is actually time.

With the clock, workers start edging towards the clock a few minutes before check out time. 3 minutes and then 4 minutes and then 5 minutes. If guys are allowed to change out of work clothes on company time - 10 minutes (then 11 minutes, then 12). It can become a whole ridiculous thing with guys pushing those limits.

In places where I have worked on the honor system, it is not unusual for people to just not bother with a formal coffee break some days if they are busy as fok or maybe they have a customer right in their face. At a buzzer/punchclock place - it is unthinkable to skip a break and if there is a customer there when the buzzer goes off, they are going to have to wait (although, again, some places will apply common sense/flexibility to that specific situation. Not all but some.)

Of course the honor system is not a total honor system because your supervisor/manager is always monitoring things in their own way, but it definitely feels more adult.
I've decided that Michael Jordan is/was like many athletes - talented as fok but an idiot. His Hall of Fame speech was nothing but an embarrassment as are his comparisons between Kobe and Lebron now, his train wreck of an effort that is the Bobcats, his baseball career and his tenure with the Bullets.

A lot of fun watching you MJ but yeah it's just time to shut the fok up.
Guys wanted their card to look clean - 8am clock in, 4pm clock out. We were paid exactly 8 hours no matter what.

I just really gotta follow up on this. That does not compute at all. Who are these people? What is going on here?

Typical workers are not like that. They are proudly lazy and cynical and whiny. They would leave as early as they could get away with and complain how it should be earlier with all the victimization they face. Anyone honestly caring about a clean card would face ridicule and peer pressure and jokes-that-aren't-really-jokes about how they're making the regular guys look bad

Big picture question: why even have a punch clock if, from the sounds of thing, it is basically a salary/honor situation?
I've decided that Michael Jordan is/was like many athletes - talented as fok but an idiot. His Hall of Fame speech was nothing but an embarrassment as are his comparisons between Kobe and Lebron now, his train wreck of an effort that is the Bobcats, his baseball career and his tenure with the Bullets.

A lot of fun watching you MJ but yeah it's just time to shut the fok up.

People are so desperate for heroes.

And so often they turn to sports (or actors).

It's all so ridiculous.

I remember in my SBR days having debates with guys (Lou sticks out in my mind) about who might be doing steroids. Manny Ramirez was one I lobbed out there as a possibility long before he was busted.

From the defensive response, you'd think I had slapped his mom. It was ridiculous. Like WTF? You don't know the guy personally. It's not like he seems to have a particularly admirable character anyway. Where is your certainty coming from? WTF do you care?

Guy needed a hero.

And somewhere along the line he had concluded that Manny Ramirez (and a bunch of other random dudes who happened to be good at sports) were appropriate.
I just really gotta follow up on this. That does not compute at all. Who are these people? What is going on here?

Typical workers are not like that. They are proudly lazy and cynical and whiny. They would leave as early as they could get away with and complain how it should be earlier with all the victimization they face. Anyone honestly caring about a clean card would face ridicule and peer pressure and jokes-that-aren't-really-jokes about how they're making the regular guys look bad

Big picture question: why even have a punch clock if, from the sounds of thing, it is basically a salary/honor situation?

Muddy that was just speculation. They did want their cards to look clean, but probably for the reason you mentioned - they would probably get in trouble for repeatedly clocking out early.

Us student/seasonal workers were not around long enough to care about the perils of clocking out early. For all I know I might've had my pay deducted by a 15 minute increment every time I did that. A lot of the time I would clock out late cause cleaning up took longer than usual. I don't think I got paid more when that happened. Whatever. The difference between getting paid for 7:45 hours or 8 hours, at 15 bucks an hour, was $3.75.

Give a fok, I did not.

Bye now.