Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Do they rent sport bikes out there?

I would be interested in coming out for a few day ride somewhere.

Today FreeFall qualified for health care in a matter of 30 minutes. I showed them my bank statement, I showed them my utility bill, my passport, and my ID. I walked out with healthcare that costs me nothing and was given to me very kindly by Roxanne from Costa Rica. What is everyone bitching about?

Me - How was the AquaBellies class?
Her - Good. We had a Q&A with the lactation consultant.
Me - The lactation consultant.
Her - Yes. You've never heard of them?
Me - Lactation consultants?
Her - Hmm-hmmm.
Me - Not that I recall. What does a lactation consultant do?
Her - Breastfeed her baby in front of you.
Me - Lactation consultant.
Her - Yup.