Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I have a couple favorites right now. One is Pho Asia 39; They re-did their whole restaurant and it is always immaculate in there. It is located at Jane/Weston Rd.
I find that random Pho places can be a bit hit/miss on some of the dishes; I hate when I get nasty old bean sprouts, or dark spotty basil with the soup.

Pho broth still remains a mystery to me. I am a bit of a foodie and have tried several times to imitate pho broth. I have got it close, but never quite right. Pho recipe's are closely, closely guarded secrets.

the very best, so im told, take days to perfect...as does marinating the meat.. its what im having tonight...i cant fucking wait man...i havent been this excited for anything in a while :lmao:
funny story about the viet bookies here in town...

there are 4 of them that work together... a few others that do their own thing too... but the 4 that work together have 2 sites... combined, they lost around 600k during last football season... well, last week they asked me if i wanted to be part of their group... i politely declined...why the fuck would i want to be a part of that shit :clueless: :lol: ... also, they said that unfortunately, i wouldnt be able to keep wagering with them this season (since i accounted for a nice chunk of their losses last season and that i might have been passing weak lines to a handful of others that beat them) :lmao:

didnt have the heart to tell them that an acct. at bookmaker and some of the asian books they have the ability to fund, would drastically help their business... oh well, maybe they will go bust this season
I've been watching motorcycle crashes on Youtube.


Driving like a dickhead is not very forgiving on 2 wheels.

I think I'm gonna start with a Ninja 250.

It's better to have power even if you don't use it. Can get you out of a situation.

You'll learn to be a much better driver if you ride. I always try to get ahead of the traffic. Not much can hurt you from behind.
not much randomness today... i havent had a real diet "cheat meal" in a long time...over a month...eating around 2400 clean as fuck calories a day, so tonight i am going to hang with my best asian friend at her restaurant and she is making us a Hugh thing of Pho...ill have a couple bowls...still not the worst thing i could eat, but about the closest thing to eating too many calories and sodium at once ive done in a while.
love this shit

I've tried supposedly some of the best pho in town and I just can't get into it. Not sure why. One of my best friends here loves it. But he's Cambodian.

I eat Chinese about three times a week but I just can't get into Vietnamese for some strange reason.
I tend to crave Pho in the winter months.

Nothing beats a big bowl of Pho (pronounced Fa) and some fried spring rolls on a cold winter day in Toronto.

I get a happy feeling just thinking about going in to a Vietnamese restaurant on Spadina from the cold streets and warming up with the stuff.

Back when I'd take the bus to casino Rama from chinatown I'd always stop in at Pho88 express on Spadina and order a large bowl of Pho (pronounced Fa) while waiting for the casino departure.
the broth is definitely something that can take some getting used to... and some of the leaves and extra shit, i can do without

told a buddy that i had some passes to the gym and for him to come work out... told him i had a few extra passes to tan if he wanted to do that after his workout... he laughed and hung up...forgot he is black :lmao:
Matty, I don't know what is offered to the public in your area but I strongly suggest you take a secondary riding course (maybe an extra 40 hours) on top of the minimum requirement to get your motorcycle endorsement.

I've heard from more than one motor guy that the additional training they took saved them from a bad crash.

Just food for thought.
Matty, I don't know what is offered to the public in your area but I strongly suggest you take a secondary riding course (maybe an extra 40 hours) on top of the minimum requirement to get your motorcycle endorsement.

I've heard from more than one motor guy that the additional training they took saved them from a bad crash.

Just food for thought.

Yah, I'm signing up for a 17-hour training. It's crazy how loose the requirements are in Ontario - you just need to pass an eye test and a written (multiple choice) exam about traffic rules and you're allowed to ride any bike during daylight hours and off the highway. That's only valid for a couple months though, you need to graduate to the M2 licence within 90 days I believe.
Earlier I cleaned my ceiling. There were getting to be a bunch of webby bits up there. The places where the ceiling is smooth there is nothing but in the textured parts ---> webby bits.

It's not hard to do; for most of it I can just stand on the floor and reach it with the duster. I am tall enough. My only advice for anyone trying this would be, occasionally look down where you're walking.

And if there are parts where you need to get up on a piano bench, don't walk far.
I'm not a fan of Vietnamese food. I had a first date at a Vietnamese restaurant (which was already a minus in my book). The guy ordered something with octopus and referred to the legs as the octopus's testicles. There was not a second date.
You should see the exam in Colombia.

More than moto death per day in Medellin. Feel like I'm lucky to have not killed one.

vietnam same way... motor bikes/scooters make up for something like 90% of the vehicles on their streets

"Vietnam's daily road toll of 35, although conservative government estimates put this figure at between 28 and 32. Traffic accidents, 80 percent of which are motorbike-related, are the biggest killers of people aged 18 to 45 in Vietnam." - some article