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Random thoughts

pho is vietnamese... amazing stuff for hangovers, but is really the base for all things vietnamese food.... (did that make any sense?)

like hamburgers or hotdogs are the primary for american cookouts....Pho is the primary for vietnamese dinners/gatherings/cookouts....they might have a dozen things to eat, but Pho will always be included

cami, you wont find it at just any asian place...chinese places wont haveit... you will have to yellow page "vietnamese restaurants" ...
my friend took me to a place in state college once that was awesome, if you ordered the right thing, and I have no idea what it was...went back with some other friends once....wasn't as good.

p.s. closest place is in state college, nothing here in toona town.
monkey, durito, plommer.... i am getting raiders primed for the weekend... guys head is going to explode soon... never seen a person in such disbelief and denial :lol:

Ray, reading his posts give me a fucking headache.

His banter with F0cker and Durito is always the same schtick, it's basically the "I know you are but what am I?" taunt that was poular on the playgrounds of grade school.
Ray, reading his posts give me a fucking headache.

His banter with F0cker and Durito is always the same schtick, it's basically the "I know you are but what am I?" taunt that was poular on the playgrounds of grade school.

he just takes his hatred to the highest level and falls back on "they are liars and broke ass wannabee gamblers" ... its really funny at times... and my god its hilarious that he takes, to heart, every little thing they say...:choke:
shoot me the name of the place, or better yet, their menu... and ill give you an idea of what exactly is in stuff :yes:

I've had some great Vietnamese Pho inthe Toronto area, there is no shortage of authentic Thai/Vietnamese/Japanse/Korean/Chinese restaurants here. Also had some great Viet style pork dishes.

I have to say though my all time favourite asian grub is Korean food. Not even close.

The Koreans have great vegetable dishes and so many different flavours, stuff I've never experienced elsewhere.

Yeah, Korean food is my favourite of all the non "round eye" prepared foods.
love korean barbecue..which is really steak... the viets here make the shit out of that stuff too

Ray I discovered Korean food by accident. When I was a tour bus driver I often did charters where the passengers were from Asia and the Korean tour group would always invite (me) the driver in to the restaurant to dine with them, it was rude to say no, plus who the fuck doesn't like a free delicious restaurant meal?

Plus the Korean tour guide was usually a cute 20 something that would sit next to me and literally serve me by putting food on my plate, apparently in their culture its a womanly thing to take care of a man. I had no complaints.

I've been to some GREAT, and I mean great authentic Chinese/Korean/Japanese restaurants in Vancouver, Toronto and New York City.

In NYC I didn't eat with the group, instead the tour guide would get me a big order of take out because I had to stay with the bus in an assigned area for bus parking on the streets of NYC.

During that trip I remember finishing my food and throwing the rest into the garbage, where not 5 minutes later a homeless guy retrieved the bag and finished off the leftovers.

The next day when I parked the bus in the same spot I made sure to get some extra food (not my leftovers - fresh food) and left it on the bench and not in the trash so the guy could eat a real meal.
I've had some great Vietnamese Pho inthe Toronto area, there is no shortage of authentic Thai/Vietnamese/Japanse/Korean/Chinese restaurants here. Also had some great Viet style pork dishes.

I have to say though my all time favourite asian grub is Korean food. Not even close.

The Koreans have great vegetable dishes and so many different flavours, stuff I've never experienced elsewhere.

Yeah, Korean food is my favourite of all the non "round eye" prepared foods.

I too am a massive Pho fan. @Plommer; My first experience with Vietnamese food was at Saigon Palace in Toronto. (Which used to by right beside the Elmo Combo.) It was a huge resaurant that had row seating and if you went in by yourself you got plopped at a table with up to 16 random patrons.

That was the first time I had the grilled meats with the 2 sunny side up fried eggs dropped on top of the rice... as I ate that with my spring rolls, I kept noticing everyone getting these massive bowls of soup coming out and it wasn't long before I too was completely hooked on Pho and Bun.

Yummy,yummy yummy.
Quincy, I frequented the Viet restaurants on Spadina south of College and on Gerrard just east of Broadview.

Also found some good joints in Mississauga on Dundas near Cawthra but they are everywhere in Toronto and the suburbs, Markham is also an excellent location to find a good asian restaraunt.
I have a couple favorites right now. One is Pho Asia 39; They re-did their whole restaurant and it is always immaculate in there. It is located at Jane/Weston Rd.
I find that random Pho places can be a bit hit/miss on some of the dishes; I hate when I get nasty old bean sprouts, or dark spotty basil with the soup.

Pho broth still remains a mystery to me. I am a bit of a foodie and have tried several times to imitate pho broth. I have got it close, but never quite right. Pho recipe's are closely, closely guarded secrets.