Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Ugh. So much fun when Friday night comes, you have few drinks or shots, you're feeling just fine, and then BAM! all of a sudden the drinks catch up with you. I'm sitting here playing risk online, which is hard to figure out because you have like, no control, not like you do in a real game, it gives you a limit on how many units per land, how many rolls a max and min of how many men you can move...ect. all while my screen is moving in little circles, The site/game basically controls everything. I gave up. I decided to watch some tv and have a beer instead.
:lmao: TO Daftee you know every team in the league has been losing their shit about his threat to quit if no one picks him up. I bet there is ALOT of tampering going on just to try to be the 1st one to get him

Daft check out Black Taxi Things of that Nature

Daft I just got laid like a fokkin carpet I am reborn man needed that

God Bless America
So, I got some ancestry results from 23andme.

My maternal haplogroup (don't ask, me dumb) is quite common in France, but my paternal group is absolutely NOT. :ohmy: It's most common in Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, Ethiopia & Egypt. :wah:

Also, my maternal haplogroup is very common among the Ashkenazi. :wah::wah:

I'm a jewish nigger. :nigerian::wah::wah::wah: