And let me just say (once again in the hope and belief that no one from my family is looking at this site) that my family seems to have terrible taste in calendars.
I was complaining a while back about this eyesore of a calendar I have been using for all of 2012 - which someone gave me last Christmas. It has cats photo-shopped into various yoga poses. Supposed to be cute and funny I guess - but ugh!
Well I got a new little calendar in my stocking yesterday. Bottom line: there is no way I am looking at that thing every day of 2013. Again the theme is cats - which is a good general idea. My family knows me and my love of cats. It's not like they are missing the target by a million miles. But it is these grotesque cartoon cats. It's just unsightly.
They are drawn by Gary Patterson which may mean something to some people? He is a known guy apparently.
Anyway, as I say, I am not going through another year with a calendar I can't stand.
Remind me to go get a calendar in the next few days. Kthanx.