Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I have had many a laptop over the years. I am far from an expert but my general impression: Toshiba has been the best name.

Acer was the worst.

I hope Lenovo is good because I've got my recording studio/project in there now and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to that.
I save wav files of music to dropbox but that isn't going to help me very much if there is a major crash. I need the full song-by-song, track-by-track, note-by-note breakdown that goes with my specific software (which I do backup regularly to flashdrives.)

I guess maybe I could save that to Dropbox too, however Dropbox keeps pissing me off. I save those wav files but when I try to listen to them, sometimes they work fine - (there is a significant dropoff in sound quality but they play to completion anyway) - but then sometimes they will just play like 50 seconds and then cut off. Even though it played fine five minutes ago and I haven't made any changes to it. And it will stay broken like that until I reupload.

I don't know what goes on.
I just received a frantic phone call from my sister that my brother's girlfriend of over a decade left him a "Dear John" letter a few days ago. We are all now just hearing about this. I have a feeling that I'll be making an unplanned trip up north over the next couple of weeks.
yeah I use samsung laptops - we are big supporters of korea here

never a problem

in fact one of them i have on remote access and has been running for 4 months without restart or setting it to sleep, just screen off, running movie editing and imaging heavy software, sync etc.

Does Samsung make anything poorly? I don't know what it is.
Does Samsung make anything poorly? I don't know what it is.

The thing is most desktop/laptop companies buy components from the same manufacturers.

There are only two choices for CPU's, Intel and AMD.

RAM is manufactured by a handful of factories, etc etc.

Hardd drives? Seagate, Western Digital, Fujitsu, etc.
They make a 128 GB flash drive for $50 now. Why would you need anything else to back up data?

You can get 1TB external HDD's for under $100.

If you seriously need your data, you should have a RAID-5 array with nightly backups and some sort of offsite storage (like an external drive kept elsewhere in case your place burns down or some other catastrophe).
You can get 1TB external HDD's for under $100.

If you seriously need your data, you should have a RAID-5 array with nightly backups and some sort of offsite storage (like an external drive kept elsewhere in case your place burns down or some other catastrophe).

Absolutely. I was just saying that even a flashdrive can have plenty of storage space. I can fit all the jobs I did for the last 10 years with all the drawings in a flash drive.
Absolutely. I was just saying that even a flashdrive can have plenty of storage space. I can fit all the jobs I did for the last 10 years with all the drawings in a flash drive.

Just don't accidentally drop it then step on it.

I had my external hard drive fail a couple weeks back, I was transferring data from my laptop and I picked the hard drive up using my thumb and finger and accidentally used enough pressure to stop the platter from spinning.


Hard drives can be flaky and dropping them can be enough to render them useless.