Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I was unsure of the paperwork process. thought we both had to sign something for it to be official?
she stated she would not sign shit, regardless...
according to judge theres no need for us to sign anything.
his signature is all that matters and I'd be divorced before I left court house one way or another:hurrah:

lawyers said they'd put all the mumbo jumbo on paper and we'd get a copy

pretrial I agreed to shell out 5K to the sorry ass X fund per lawyer recommendation.
took a gambol on verdict of trial but we beat the closer.
so its a wash

good job
Ever have your heart set on a certain snack - like for example some jalapeno chips - and you are thinking about them all through the evening - and you think like, "Okay I am just going to do a bit more work here, then check gamelive, then I will have a workout, then I will shower, then I will go into complete relaxation mode in front of the TV with some of those tasty chips which feel like exactly the right thing at this place and time."

But then you do all that and build to that great snacking moment - and BOOM! you don't have those chips. Because you finished them off the other day. You forgot. What you have now is Frito's Corn Chips - which are a very good chip no doubt - you wouldn't have bought them if they weren't - however they are a VERY different thing than jalapenos.

Muddy, that does happen to me. Also have the times where I am craving something I don't have, so it's either go out and get it, or go with out and feel deprived. I've also gone out to get that exact item I am craving, only to get home and not eat it, either because I got busy, or I decided I wanted something else instead.
Penis is a funny word.

You know what else is a funny word?


Well, I restarted up the other one in safe mode and, after four "critical point" recovery tries, it's now working (which is good since I have a paper to write). I ordered another cheap computer that had good reviews from what I could see. I refuse to pay a lot for a computer since they all seem to last about two years, regardless of the price.

It was late last night and I was in a hurry since I knew that the current one would die soon. It was a samsung computer - has anyone ever had one before? I have not, but it was cheap, had free shipping, and would be here soon.
My current laptop is a Toshiba and I bought it as a back-up for my HP. The HP was awesome and lasted for a few years, but the screen part just broke off. I had been using it propped up, but then the entire laptop just died one day. I usually have two laptops - one for work/college and one to play on. The "play" laptop died, so I've just been using the Toshiba. For being a cheap back-up, it has been awesome.