Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Facebook needs to implement a feature that lets you know who just de-friended you. I like to know whose feathers I ruffle without doing all that guessing work.

I know this is a slightly different angle on the issue but, when I canceled my account, I had people coming out of the woodwork for months asking in a sorta hurt way why I had set them adrift. There are probably others who still are under the assumption there is something personal between us.

If I had to do it over again, I would circulate a blanket explanation to all contacts before deactivating - but I didn't know.

Facebook needs to have some kind of thing IMO.
Deactivations can be guessed by searching for the person's name - it just won't show up. But yeah, Facebook should allow you to send an optional message to people when you deactivate or even defriend. Would make for good online drama if nothing else.

AOL made you work to unsubscribe from their shit - Facebook should take a clue from them.

Maybe not.
Deactivations can be guessed by searching for the person's name - it just won't show up.

That's what I kinda figgered would happen - but judging by some reactions, people don't do that and just jump to the conclusion I hate them.

There should be some kind of auto-alert when there is any kind of status change.

So-and-so from your friends list has deactivated their account.

Or else, depending on the circumstances, so-and-so has unfriended you and thinks you should go honk on bobo.
I like the auto-alert idea when people deactivate.

Maybe Facebook could come up with a drop-down list of politically-correct excuses you can select from when you're defriending people. "Matty thinks you should go honking on bobo" gets the message across in a pretty efficient, yet light-hearted manner. :greencheck:
Yeah maybe I am just out of it and missing the point. I wouldn't be surprised. My jaw is sore, my tooth is sore, I had to get up unnaturally early for me so I am tired, and I spent money I would rather not have spent.

I'm not happy.

You wouldn't know it to look at me though.



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Did you inform people you were doing it? If not, did former Facebook friends question you about it later with hurt feelings? Did fiveteamer call you a pussy for being over-sensitive?

Well there were two reason why I deactivated. I had several real life associates who wanted to be my FB friend. I explained to them diplomatically that I didn't want 700 FB friends and I was limiting my friends to very close friends and immediate family.

The other reason I left FB was because of I just couldn't deal with the dumb status updates anymore. I had a few FB friends who would update their status 3 and 4 times a day and that's just not acceptable to me.