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Random thoughts

Slightly confuzzled by the question. It seems like a question you would ask an America hater which I'm not at all. I see plenty of pros to living in America as well as a few cons to living in Canada. I consider America to be a great country. Don't lump me in with betplom.

Maybe I am just imagining those undertones. :dunno:

As far as the actual question, I just see it as a question of how much it would cost to uproot me. I suppose it would cost a bit more to send me to the States than getting me to move to, say, Vancouver, but nothing crazy. I would love to go somewhere with warmer weather year-round and the States have a few options on that.

There are bunch of points of clarification to this but without over-analyzing, if someone plunked $200K in front of me right now, I would do it.

Ok that is understandable. I suppose I did somewhat lump you in with betplom. When I posted about that one Vancouver girl that got anxiety crossing the border, for fear of consistent bullets whizzing by her head. I had thought you somewhat sympathized with her.

But in actuality your response was level-headed and what I would expect from most people.
a mastodon is a prehistoric type creature, looks kind of like elephant :dunno:

a mastectomy is quite a different animal

Ok that is understandable. I suppose I did somewhat lump you in with betplom. When I posted about that one Vancouver girl that got anxiety crossing the border, for fear of consistent bullets whizzing by her head. I had thought you somewhat sympathized with her.

But in actuality your response was level-headed and what I would expect from most people.

I have plenty of criticism of American stuff. As topics come up, I will pipe in. The American goofiness-in-the-head on the subject of guns is one no doubt. There are things where America just comes away looking bad. Don't get me started on stuff surrounding elections. So I put in my 2 cents.

But I am not one of these Canadians - and there are a large number - who have an extreme life's focus on putting-America-in-their-place. It has been an annoyance my entire life. It has actually settled down since the Vancouver Winter Olympics. You may think I'm joking but it is amazing how much that one thing did for calming down insecure Canadians.

Bottom line. You're fine, we're fine. You suck, we suck. Things aren't perfect anywhere and I don't expect them to be.

I probably should make more effort to balance things with talk about the great things about America. Just to name one example: I am constantly talking about movies which are a big part of my life, but I seldom stop to acknowledge the extreme American-ness of it. America has led the world. So much credit needs to go to America for that amazing, beloved artform. That's just one of many examples.

Anyway I won't lie - I do like Canada better - but I find it good to say this stuff out loud.
I always love hearing the opinions of people who live in other countries on American political topics.

Mostly because their opinions mean nothing, and then I laugh.

It would be like me having an opinion on the ridiculous use of the word touque.
I always love hearing the opinions of people who live in other countries on American political topics.

Mostly because their opinions mean nothing, and then I laugh.

It would be like me having an opinion on the ridiculous use of the word touque.

If people are being reasonable and sincere then their opinions should matter. If for no other reason than to better understand what others think. Not to say that this country or any other country should adjust to how others view them but it is helpful knowledge.
I always love hearing the opinions of people who live in other countries on American political topics.

Mostly because their opinions mean nothing, and then I laugh.

It would be like me having an opinion on the ridiculous use of the word touque.
The opinions of Americans have just as much influence as foreign opinion, none.

The US is run by corporations and the elite, Americans like to think their opinion or vote matters. It doesn't.
Americans fear their government. It's the government that should fear the people. Not until then can Americans influence how their country is run.
Just stick to your own country's politics

I can't vote in Canada

And regardless of the fact that I live in socialist Illinois which has some of thee worst roads, schools, and crime rates in the nation also has some of the highest taxes
Just stick to your own country's politics

I can't vote in Canada

And regardless of the fact that I live in socialist Illinois which has some of thee worst roads, schools, and crime rates in the nation also has some of the highest taxes

If it were only that simple.

American politics influences Canadian politics and not vice versa. We in Canada are often directly affected by the policies of a foreign nation (the USA) and that causes resentment, the same way Americans would resent having decisions/policies made by a foreign government affect them.

I really wish my comments were viewed more as "anti-injustice" than "anti-American".
The idea that extramural opinions on politics don't matter, particularly coming from a country with such a long and still fluorishing history of sticking its nose in the affairs of other countries, is interesting. We have all been witnessing every second of our lives how outside opinions and influences can effect nations.

Willfully plugging your ears to me personally would seem like a futile measure. All of my opinions on American politics are shared by many Americans. I think that is without exception. I don't think I have come up with anything unique on it.

But plug away. Laugh out loud too - HAHA!

All I can say is ----> :dunno: